Her surprise

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Outside the city near raven streets their are three houses in one of them ..which is made in a OLder style , upto 1st floor with brown roof lives hena who is the mother of Lorraine and cristil with two of them . Cristil is her younger daughter and Lorraine is elder one .

Lorraine .. brown eyes, round and chubby face with straight black hair is standing in front of mirror she is wearing a dress of lavender colour with bishop sleeves . Has applied light makeup and red lipstick . she is thinking about surprising JAen " I hope , that you really like the surprise party I have prepared for you " . She smiles after thinking about him. "This is a sign that you are in love , aren't you ? " . Lorraine hears this from the door . There is Standing a girl at the door of her room wearing loose white top with sweet violet colored iris and heart shaped face with light pink lips . Lorraine says her blushingly "Oh cristil , it's not like that" . Cristil teases her and says "oh come on sis , I saw you smiling when you were lost in your thoughts , as per last psychology class this is a symptom that you are in love ". . Lorraine starts blushing . Cristil says her understandingly "you need to go now , it's already 6pm ". Lorraine asks cristil doubtfully "Am I looking okay ". Cristil comes closer to Lorraine and keeping her hand on Lorraine's shoulder she says " you say okay ? You are looking awesome ". Lorraine smiles . Cristil says her excitingly "come on now , go ". Lorraine hugs her and says "wish me luck ". "You already have a good one " cristil said Lorraine by patting her back and Lorraine leaves to meet JAen.

At the entrance of velour hall Lorraine is waiting for jAen . She looks into her phone to check the time " it's 6:25 I can't wait anymore to meet you " . She is yearning to meet him . After 2 minutes A guy comes and stop in front of her . He is Tall , clean shaved, with thick wavy and unruly hair wearing a yellow sapphire locket, grey , deep and radiant eyes with Olive shirt inside varsity jacket with black pants . He gives her smile. She takes a exciting breath and hugs him . " Oh JAen ,I missed you so much ... Happy Birthday " . " Thank you" said JAen. " Come , lets go and have fun". They went inside. The hall is big , with brown ceiling ,brown curtains on white walls , drink corner near sofas , the dance floor filled with alot of young energy , whole room has a catchy look with golden and black balloons. JAen and Lorraine joined the party . Everybody was enjoying it with some bottles of Champagne , dancing on retro songs .. drinking cocktails and every stuff of fun.

After sometime

Cristil is sitting beside dinning table that is present behind sofa in hall .A woman with brown eyes , long and light face is serving food for her . She is lost in some thoughts. After thinking much, she asks cristil worryingly " it's 10pm , She should be coming by now ..why is she late ? , I am worried ". She sits . Cristil puts her palm on her hand and says " don't worry mumma , she will be fine ..you know she is with JAen " . Hena replies disturbingly " I know but (she stops and takes a heavy breath )....She don't used to stay so long ...you eat cristil I need to go and bring her home". Before Cristil could say something she went into her room . She wears her grey wrap jacket and chiffon black scarf . She steps out of the house . Cristil says hurriedly" Muma , listen ". But hena doesn't stops . "At least she should have eaten" Cristil said worriedly.

After sometime

Hena had reached velour hall . She is at the big , grand entrance of velour hall... asking guard to let her go inside the hall.. she is here to take her daughter back to home but he is continuously denying her . She says him irritatingly " what's wrong with you , please let me go inside , I am here to take my daughter." " Ma'am I already told you , if you want to go inside take a pass and go . " .." why there is a need to take pass it will just take 2 minutes.. I'll go and come back " she said him confusingly . Guard says her angrily "I know , fake people like you ..you will go inside have fun and will come back after 2 hours ..That too in free ..I will not let you go inside ,you understand ? " . She thinks ' How dare he ..to talk me like that ..he called me fake ..he just crossed his limit..now let me show him my reality '. She looks strongly in guards eyes with complete focus and says SLEEP in very low lazy voice by snapping her finger . As soon as he fainted she goes inside.

She sees alot of unknown faces and find Lorraine with a guy sitting at sofa and talking with him . She approaches towards her and stands at a distance of 2 metre from sofa . She calls her... "Lorraine". Lorraine and JAen both looks at her and stands up . Lorraine asks her happily with confusion " henama , you are here ? " . Hena replies her calmly " it's 10:30 pm ..I was worried for you so I came here to take you home ". Lorraine tells her understandingly " oh henama..you could have sent cristil ". "No , she was having dinner ". Lorraine gives her a polite smile and says "look ! He is JAen " by smiling towards him .

"Hello henama " he said . "Hello" hena said smilingly . Lorraine and JAen started talking about each other to hena. Hena was not in the mood to listen . So , she was looking here and there continuously ..soon her eyes catches the sight of the yellow sapphire locket in JAen's neck that was shining whenever it used to move towards hena . Hena looks at him suspiciously . ' this kind of locket , can only be found in Clandestine..that's too rare...Nobody can have it other than Vaiser family..it means he is from Vaiser family ( shockingly) ..No ! Whoever he is ..I need to stop him ' she thinks .

She snaps her finger and says loudly by looking JAen " sleep Tous nisi you " . Everyone starts fainting one by one . Some faded on sofa , some at dance floor , Lorraine falled on ground . "Raine" JAen said worryingly. He was looking confused . He asks hena terrifyingly " what happened to everyone henama?". ..hena says by removing wand from her Jacket " you worry.. about what will happen to you " . He looks her frightenly with heavy breaths . Hena swings wand back and says "accipere laesa " and directs it towards his abdomen . Blue Sharp rays from the wands hits him so hard that he strikes the wall behind sofa . Hena puts her wand back into her Jacket. "Aah " he said In a painful voice by touching his abdomen.

Hena says..bitting her teeth " whoever you are... stay ..away
from my daughter , otherwise consequences will be more worse . "

She grabs fainted Lorraine in her arms . Jaen was looking her , he said painfully " Help me , henama ! ". But she stepped out of the hall , ignoring him . By standing out of the hall ..Snapping her finger she says " wake Tous " . "Its a recovery code, now ! Everybody will wake up soon .."she said to herself .

She puts Lorraine in a taxi 🚕 from it's window because the door was locked , there was no driver . " Nowadays, everyone used to lock their vehicles.. don't they have trust on their citizens " She said to herself irritatingly.

She opens the door from her hair pin and drives to the home .

I came my house struggling with pain . I was sitting in my hall on a couch drinking coffee in a white Cup . I laid my head on the couch and started thinking
"Was she a fairy..graduated from mystic base ..if yes than why does she lives in human world ? And why does she think I will harm Lorraine .." I asked myself in confusion . " I am with Lorraine since 1 year ..I never saw her practicing powers ...than how can her mother be a fairy .." . " I need to know the truth " . I said breathing deeply .

_______________Thank u so much for reading 🌼_______________________________

Why does hena thinks that JAen will harm Lorraine.., if she is fairy than why does Lorraine.. who is her daughter never does magic and why does hena lives in human world..and not in Clandestine ..and how does Jaen know about mystic base is he also a fairy ?

You will find answers to all these question in upcoming chapters

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