what's the truth of Jaen

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JAen is sitting in his couch . When Isobel , a girl of his age in a black dress asked him " you haven't been to Clandestine to spent at least one weak with me ...you just come when you miss your dad ...am I not your friend ? ..." Indeed " he said . " So , why don't you come their ...?" She asks in a painful voice . He approached towards her and placed his both palm at her cheeks and said in an understanding manner " You already know , how important studies are for me ..and for the best education I choose to come here ". She makes a pout in anger . "Okay " ..he says and holds her hand and says " I promise you , I will spent a whole week with you but after I complete my recent project " .
" And , when will that complete ? " . "When you will leave from here and let me focus upon it ." Isobel sighs and says "Fine I m leaving " . She hugs him and soon closes the door . JAen is now drinking coffee ☕ that he had placed on table . " Aah , I know how much she likes coffee but I had only one cup and I was able to hide it " . Gives a smirk .

Lorraine and cristil

Cristil and Lorraine checked that did hena really went to rest in her room after getting assured , They move up to steps for the library. They entered in the study room of hena ..were their is shelf with lots of books surely that is not where they will find their book for Telepathy. " Raine , I think we should move this shelf , maybe the library room is behind this shelf . " Cristil said . " All right , let's do it together .." . They both look each other and pushes the shelf " 1 , 2 ,3 ....move " said cristil . " Ssh ssh ... slowly henama is sleeping " . The shelf was yet not moved enough so they can enter the room . Cristil nodded . "Let's do it again " . Said cristil . " Aah Cristil I just forgot to tell you , JAen wanted to meet me ...I need to go " . Cristil gives a look . " I assure you.. I will come home as soon as possible " .
" Fine , Bye " . Cristil sighs with disappointment . " Now , I have to do it all alone ..not a problem..it's partially done . " ...." Come on , move ..1 , 2 , 3 " . The shelf moves .. enough for her to enter . " Finally , hardwork paid me ". Let's walk around , now . ". After getting inside the room she closed the room with shelf ..so that even if hena gets up and comes here ...she will think that nobody is inside her personal library . When she entered she saw ..that the library had a pretty old texture and the room had all round brown furnitures . The most wonderful was the study table inside the room and luckily their was a ☕ coffee maker machine inside the room . " It seems like , mummy used to sit here regularly , hmm now it's my time to feel her space ..mm..what should I do first sit and enjoy some coffee or search for the book ....mm..maybe I should search for the book and complete my project while having some coffee ..yeah that's a good idea." She started searching for the book that can have a good information about Telepathy . In her library their were three walls that had book shelf's and the forth wall at lateral side had window so , no shelf . She searched for the first shelf but didn't find any such book . Moving towards second shelf there were alot of books having names belonging to a love story . " I think mummy forgets that Library is for knowledge , not for the glimpse of romance ..she shouldn't be doing this " .
Than she started searching in third shelf
... nothing interesting was found in first two racks so , she stopped looking for the book. As soon as she thought to move towards the study table she found a book on the first rack of the third shelf with a lavender cover ...and it had name Clandestine . "Hm..nice name , sorry mummy but I want this book but wait I wanted a book about Telepathy , is it Even here .....I should better stop searching for that damn topic book " . She said with her unsatisfactory results "let's drink some coffee " . She makes coffee for her and puts this book on the study table and sits near the table and finds a book beneath a different book . " Telepathy " . She sees the book beneath which it is found . " My , god this is a different kind of notebook , I thought it would be a textbook , small height and fat probably should be a textbook but not , fine . " She sips her coffee . " I should write my project in this notebook ..let's start ". she starts writing about the given topic from the book she found Telepathy . Her window is near the study table . As soon as she sits ..she sees two guys were talking to each other from her window . They were far so she was not able to see their face clearly . " I m home alone and bored I should call them here , I know mummy won't be offended if I just sit and watch a movie with them or play a game . " Cristil draws a rose in the notebook and Tears the page " ah , I wish I throw this page on them and it turns into a real rose " . She rolls up the page and try to throw on them with full power so that it could reach them . The paper turned into a rose when it falls near them . Those Two boys were standing in such a way that the back of one boy is facing her window and the second guy is able to see her window as soon as the rose falls . Cristil moves her head in opposite direction ..so that the second guy cannot look her . " How is this possible , the paper really turned into a rose , Oh my god ! ...I think I m really not well today , I should go and sleep " . She gets up from the chair . " No , I think I should try it again what if this is true ! " . She sits on the chair and draws rose ..and again repeats the same procedure ... ! And finally throws it again with all her power ..so that the rose reaches near them . " This shit , happened again " . She is totally confused now . She takes a breath and says " I think I should try making something else " . She starts to draw a locket . First she draws a golden chain with a golden texture pencil than she draws the main locket .. giving it a circle shape ...more similar to flat circle ..with a golden slightly pinkish look . She writes secrets ❣️ on it . She rolls it up and throw it away to the second guy . He looks the locket and towards her window when it felt near him . she moves her head in opposite direction so that he is not able to see her . Cristil was watching him with complete care and she sees that the guy had picket the locket and had went away. " Hoping to meet you some day , you have My property ." She says with a sip of coffee .. " oh , how can I forget I need to complete this project as soon as possible , it's already 5 pm .". She was completing her project with full focus .

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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