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Somehow this got cutted-.. so ya
3rd person pov:
Dc saw custard getting attacked by a cake hound, "CUSTARD!? W-WHAT ARE YO-"   "it was a dare! Now h-help me!", dc threw a rock at the cake hound but the it ran away.  "Custard!! Go back to choco-! Their probal-", pv's phone started to ring, he picked it up "Dad!! Custard!- Custard is gone!!"   "Well hes with us.-" pv said "oh..- well ho-"   "it was a dare."     "Oh..sorry for interupting you...i'll end the call now..."  "okay Madeleine! Bye!"   "Bye..."  *the call have been ended by madeleine*

"Welp- Custard. Please dont do dares like that anymore-!"   "Okay.."   "good! We'll go back home tommorow, so behave.."   "kay. Well im going to sleep, soo..Byee!"   "Bye.."

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