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3 days later

Narrators pov

He is angry and frustrated after his friends(Faisu,Jannath,Riyas,Anushka)
left. Who had came to meet him for the first time after he moved into this apartment.

Sid and the 'blue eyed girl' had a few conversation which they always ended up fighting.

He still dont know what is her name,
Only thing he know about her is she
Works at a cafe.

For her he is a psycho

For him he finds her weird,

So weirdly weird

Even they just spent lil time with each other, he still liked her presence

But things had taken a 180° turn

After he introduced his housemate to
his friends, they were shocked seeing her. Slowly it turned to anger.

She left to her room without saying anything after taking a last glance at sid

He was confused at their behaviour.
he never seen his friends this much angry before

If his friends are angry there must be a reason too

His confusion turning into anger and hate after Riyas explained him whatever they know about her and
what type of girl is 'she'

Or we can say explained him about the 'she' they know.

Siddharth always hated rude and arrogant people. It doesn't matter if he knew them or not,he just hate them and his friends dont lie.

She is not like what he had thought

He trust his friends...If his friend warned him about her,that must be true.

The 'she' he knew and the 'she' his friends told him is different .and it
raised his anger into another level.

"Two faced bitch" He thought to himself

Sound of footsteps brought him back from his thoughts

There 'she' stood holding her coffee mug

She saw a different emotion in his eyes .unfamiliar from him familiar from others.




He walked closer to her His eyes darkening with hate
"You know what I thought you are decent,but guess what we shouldn't judge a book by it's cover"

"And?" She asked before taking a sip
from her coffee.

"And?is that all you have to ask?don't you have any are so heartless....a fucking emotionless monster" He yelled before stomping out from there.

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