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"I wanna date you."

"Shut up, go away." The tall Japanese annoyingly signalling the smaller one to get out of his sight, he wasn't in the mood after all.

"No unless you say yes." Lips shaped in happiness showing his bunny teeth, hands clasped together staring at the certain Japanese. "Date me, come on."

"F**k off."

"I think I got a chance to be with you." Arms open wide, blocking the Japanese named Haruto's way. It was currently lunchtime but wasn't peaceful for Haruto as some kind of junior confessing his love out of nowhere.

"Ugly." Haruto commented "I won't date ugly people."

"In this case, we should be together so that you gotta see the real cute and handsome of me."

"Leave or I will punch you." His sharp gaze making Jeongwoo to shivers but not because it was scary, instead Haruto looks way more hot.

"Be mine then." Begging like some kind of kid, Jeongwoo start to blink his black sparkling eyes in repeat.

"Ugly creature not my taste so f**k off."

All these rumors were true, Haruto never talk nicely to people. He acting cold whenever he had conversation with someone. Tend to get mad most of the time, poor guy never learn to control his emotion.

"Alright, see you later." The tan skinned guy bid goodbye leaving Haruto in total awkward.

'Give up little guy, you're not my type.'
As far as he know, he never shows interest nor giving his attention to the Korean before.

Time seems to flew way too fast giving opportunity towards the determined Korean, wherein he is waiting in front of Haruto's classroom. He knew Haruto would be the last one leaving the class. As expected, Haruto casually walk out of his class eyeing his phone. Texting someone with focused eyes.

"Let's date, Haruto!"

It made the typing Japanese shocked somehow, heart beating fast. Never thought the voice is like nightmare to him. Well his junior had been doing this for like one month already.

"What the hell? Stop doing this whatever you are. You know you won't stand a chance." Clenching teeth in frustration, Haruto gave his warning.

"I like you Watanabe."

"Show some respect."

"and will you date me by then?" He asked, scratch his head shyly.

"Dream on."

Probably fortunate taking the junior's side for today, because he's now walking side by side with Haruto. No reason. Seems like universe completely support and gave him space to be with the gorgeous looking guy. Meanwhile Haruto on the other side, can feel his head spinning around witnessing the Korean jump out of happiness even jogged himself beside him. Smile drawn all over his face, Jeongwoo is beyond the cloud.

"I like you, Ruto hyung." Jeongwoo brought his gaze away while saying so, giggling nonstop.

"What's with the nickname?"

"Date me and I will tell you the reason." He wink making Haruto to hurriedly rolled his eyes.


"I didn't know you're smoking."

"Stop bothering me, go away." Haruto shooing the same junior, he came all over here just to annoy him? Not again.

"Teacher said cigarette can cause cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic lung disease and diabetes." The smaller one lists these side effects using his finger, counting them in tiny.


"Stop smoking!" He shouted, trying to reach for the lighter out of the Japanese's grip.

"None of your business, kid." Thanks to his height, he able to put the cigarette along with the lighter way up. Resulting Jeongwoo to knit his brows together.

"It's not good for your health. Just quite smoking." Heaved a hard sigh, Jeongwoo put aside his effort to take away the unhealthy things. Getting on his knees, he buried his face.

Not long after that, soft sobs can be heard from the younger.

Haruto won't mind after all. He wasn't the type that would care for anyone.

"Y-you will die young." The Korean's voice cracked a bit due to his crying mode.

"I won't be able to see you again." Still with shaking voice, Jeongwoo keep on talking.

"Please stop s-smoking." He sounds so desperate.

"Listen here I---"

"Just stop, I couldn't bare to watch you die in such young age!" The junior get up all of sudden, facing Haruto in a bit closer distance. Honestly, the cold-hearted guy was taken aback by how the younger is behave.

Some hairs cover the perfect brows of Jeongwoo, red rosy nose with teary eyes got Haruto gulped his own saliva. He had no idea why did the younger look so different today, especially those plump pinky lips.

"Until then I can't marry you anymore." Jeongwoo straightforwardly stated. Oh my he even planned to marry his senior?

The 'marry' word makes Haruto to chuckles right away "fine I will stop from smoking but there must be a replacement."

With face gets red and blotchy, Jeongwoo turn to face his senior "what?"

"Your lips."


"Yes, your lips should be a replacement for my cigarette." Due to the tiny gap between them, Haruto leans in glancing over the mentioned lips.

Yet the Korean bit his lips into thin lines.

"No way!"

"Okay, if that's what you want." He nod, not trying to argue with the younger's decision "I will keep on smoking."

He was about to pull off and walk away but the answer changing in no time.

"Okay fine."

A smirk linger around his lips.

His addiction ||HaJeongwoo||✔️Where stories live. Discover now