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It was Another day where Jeongwoo follows the tall Japanese around.

He really couldn't hide his feeling. Moreover he loves being around the Japanese, comfortable enough to release all of his pressure. For him, Haruto is the best way to distress.

"Go back to your class. Now." The Japanese muttered since they are in the library.

"Let's go on a date." Jeongwoo answered, whispering through a book.

"Dream on."

"I'm pretty fun to hang out with, you know." The younger one smile, lift one of his hand up into thin air as if he wasn't lying at all.

"Shut up, you're ugly. Told you I'm not going out with ugly creature." Haruto speak out the painful lines, making Jeongwoo to pout secretly but still the other one can see it.

They spent in about 2 hours with Jeongwoo who already fallen asleep next to Haruto. Only robot could study more than an hour without taking a break but unknowingly, the Japanese manage to educate himself 2 hours straight. So now it's time for him to distress. The unbearable headache attacked him.

The restroom is the right place. He took one cigarette out of his pocket and lightened it right after. Yeah without hesitation. If ever he got caught then he'll be kicked out of school but he couldn't fight back his desire. Smoking is the only way for him.

Now for the second cigarette but he is being stop in the middle. Something interrupt him.

"Librarian is on the way here, probably checking up the restroom." The younger informed, run directly towards the smoking Japanese "and why are you smoking here? I thought you'd quite long ago."

"Why did you came here---"

"Shhh that's not matter." Without asks for permission from the latter, Jeongwoo went to steal the burned cigarette and throw into toilet bowl.


The unfinish words are cut off as soon as their lips connected together, more specifically Jeongwoo was the one who pressed the lips in the first place. No option here to be honest. Because in about a minute, the librarian was about to walk in but steps died the moment he'd saw two boys kissing in the restroom.

Awkwardly goes back, the librarian escape the place with red face.

Realizing they are left alone, Jeongwoo pulled off.

"Close enough to get caught. What a relief." He breathed out, not notice on how confuse Haruto is.

"You better quite because I'm not always here to protect you." With innocent face, Jeongwoo nags the much older Japanese guy.


"Huh? Mmhp---"

Soft lips sliding against his. Even with closed eyes, Haruto looks handsome. Arms snaked around the slim waist of him, pulling the smaller body over Haruto. The kiss going deeper and deeper, but still they moving slowly. Tasting each other's lips.

Not long after that and Jeongwoo seem to anticipate more, the Japanese cut off the kissing session.

"I'm sorry." He apologize before went out of there.

Leaving Jeongwoo dumbfounded.


Week after, Haruto never shows off. It made Jeongwoo puzzled like crazy. What did he done wrong.

Tired, lonely kind of face, the Korean going back to his place. He took the subway hoping for a change of his heart. Life felt lonely without Haruto. Badly want to see those face once again.

His little steps making someone take interest into him, followed him from behind. Jeongwoo is unbelievable cute and handsome at the same time, people get easily attached after being around him in a nick of time. He is that attractive.

Reaching at the dark corner of place, the guy who followed Jeongwoo taking this chance to grab the Korean's wrist. Slammed him against the wall. Good thing the place is pretty dark so the younger can't see well. Can't recognize whoever that person is.

"Blame yourself for making me feel this way." Deep deadly voice greet his ear, warm breath gives Jeongwoo weird mixed feeling.

"I wanna kiss you so badly. Can't control myself no more."

The smell of skin remind Jeongwoo of the beloved senior known as Haruto.

Slowly, the lips smoothly placed on his. The pace is way too perfect that Jeongwoo can feel on how his bottom lip got bitten lustfully. He notice the gentle hand cup his nape slowly, deepening the kiss.

"I'm addicted to your lips, kid."



"Where did you---"

Wet tongue entering his mouth made his mind stop functioning for a second, Jeongwoo can't help but to suppress moans.

Like who wouldn't? That skilled tongue taste bitter but too addictive to resist.

"Can I kiss you forever?"

Not giving a chance to the younger to talk nor answer, the Japanese went for kiss tongue; romantically moving at one another lips.

"I-I wanna d-date y-you." The much smaller guy barely muttered during the kiss.


Haruto smirk during kisses. How hot is that huh?

"Your lips are mine."

Bumped foreheads, embarrassed smiles.

"Why do I feel like kissing you again?" Asked the Japanese along the way to Jeongwoo's house.

a/n: here i go again. short boring story:-D

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