K Fest 2022

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"You're always getting in the way of me, being emotional and ungrateful. Think of all the things I did for you. I am trying my best to survive out here but you just keep bringing me down, blaming me for everything that happened in your life."

"You always blame others for your problems, think you are better than everyone else, you need to grow up and stop acting like a child. You can't just blame me for your issues, I have got nothing to do with it. It's not my fault if you never did anything with your life, I didn't make you stay here with me. It doesn't even matter you are barely around. I know you're out there cheating on me, keep denying it, you're ruining my life."

"Ruining your life? Are you being real with me? How have I ruined your life? Never mind I don't care about your feelings, I'm done with you."

"Man you always messing with my head, manipulating my thoughts. I'm not stupid, I know what's going on and I can tell you are trying to get away from me..."

"You don't even know what you're talking about. I am always buying you things. Look at that necklace you are wearing or that ring on your finger. I don't understand what you want from me. You never think about me or my feelings, it's always what you want."

"I used to love you. You used to be such a good person. What happened? What changed? Where did we go wrong?"

"Don't bring that up now, you just changing the subject is not fair to me. You..."

Their relationship had been struggling for years now, yet they still felt drawn together. There was a strange force that kept them coming back to each other. They both had to work even harder now to provide for their child. Their daughter was almost six months old now. After meeting in high school they almost instantly fell in love. Or at least what they thought was love but was probably more like a slight interest. They had nothing in common besides their daughter, and it was that love for her that supported their relationship.

This particular fight had been caused by this month's water bill which was freakishly high due to Mike's most recent money-making endeavor. His goal was to create a swimming pool in the front yard of their trailer park home. It didn't go to plan, especially after the owner of the park found out about his plans.

"I have to return some videotapes," said Mike, quoting his favorite movie American Psycho, and then stormed out of the house. He didn't have to return any videotapes. He was going for a walk to figure out his following scheme to make that cash. One idea that had been floating around his head for a while was to start making art. Abstract art, that is. He had never done art before but he had seen some Picasso online and thought it looked pretty easy. He was wrong, of course, but in his naive ketamine-fueled delusions, he painted some pretty abstract pieces. Driving on his way to the local Saturday art show, Mike passed a petting zoo and a miniature horse caught his eye. He would remember that for later.

After driving recklessly down the highway, Mike finally arrived at the show. Once he arrived he began to set up his display and put out his art. He didn't understand because people often walked by and gave him stares. After several hours of waiting for someone to buy his art, he finally struck up a conversation with the man in the booth next to him. "Why aren't my prices selling?" "Well, I'll tell you why kid, nobody is gonna buy an ugly piece of art for a thousand dollars!" It appears that Mike's art may have not been as good as he had previously thought. He took another look at what he had painted and it was a horrible mess of color and texture. He was so distraught by the thing he created that he promised himself that he would sign up for an art class.

That same night Mike hopped into his discord, where he is an admin of course, and asked some of his "friends" what he could do to improve his art skills. He learned about an online art class that he could use to learn how to create art that he could sell on the street to provide money for his many needs. The first step to solving this problem is for him to buy himself some real art supplies. He made a list of all of the things that he could need to start his business. He would need pencils, pens, paint and paintbrushes, and of course canvases. He grabbed a handful of U.S. legal tender from his girlfriend's handbag and ran out to his car. He started the car and started his forty-five-minute commute to the nearest town. Rural Nebraska was not easy for its citizens and Mike was no exception. He had to fight through hordes of zombies just to get himself into town.

Right before Mike passed into the town limits he noticed something that he had seen before. It was the miniature horse. "I have got to have that horse." He pulled his car over to the side of the road and then jumped out of the window before the car had even come to a complete stop. He ran up to the gate screaming unintelligibly. This may have been due to a large amount of ketamine he had consumed right before he started driving. He jumped over the gate and ran towards the horse. He grabbed it and threw it over his shoulder as if it didn't weigh close to five hundred pounds. The small horse tried to escape but it was no match for Mike's steroid-infused muscles. He walked it back, over the gate, and into his car. "You are going to be a great addition to my collection" He forgot all about the art and came up with a new plan. He would bring the horse back to his house and place it into the previously dug hole from the swimming pool attempt. He would leave the horse inside the hole and have all the local kids come and pay to ride it. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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