When you are Unwell -

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THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING A FANFICTION - so hopefully it's not too shite -

Author of this part - (Bee) - not my real name
pronouns - she/her

Let's jump right in to it -

I haven't included Solomon, Simeon, Luke or Barbatos but I may in a future part!!


. If you are feeling under the weather Mammon will be the first to notice.

. He will stop you from whatever your task may begin feeling your forehead and asking you your symptoms.

. He may sound pushy but it's only because he is concerned.

. "Y/N you are burning up come on we are leaving you need to get to bed."

. Mammon is very caring about you when you are unwell, he will not leave your side and he doesn't care if he ends up catching your illness.

. He isn't so great at the practical elements however and will spill chicken noodle soup down your front then act as if it never happened.

. His brothers will tease him for this but he doesn't care and insists "He is the great Mammon and he is taking the best possible care for you and that none of them can prove him otherwise.

He lays back on the bed, your body in between his legs and head resting on his chest - He plays with your hair and wraps his arms around you protectively.

You stay in this position until you have both fallen asleep.


Beel is very sweet with you when you are unwell.

If he notices you becoming even the slightest bit unwell /wobbly he will escort you to your room.

He won't tell you why but he asks you to wait patiently for a minute and get cozy in bed.

He then comes back with a platter of warm food and hot drinks asking you to help him finish them.

If you aren't feeling hungry he is understanding of that and will instead talk to you about his dreams and past whilst rubbing your hand until you get sleepy.

However if you are hungry he will spoon feed you and cuddle up with you whilst sipping at hot cocao under a blanket.

He is very protective of you and if any of his brothers are making a ruckus he will get up and tell them to STFU or he will steal their dessert next meal time.

He stays by your side until you fall asleep and leaves only after planting a soft kiss on your forehead.


Belphie secretly gets excited whenever you feel unwell (not because you are suffering) but because it means he's able to spend more time with you.

Belphie often feels left out as he due to his nature he falls asleep very easily and misses out on quality time with you.

He feels bad for getting happy when you feel under the weather but he sees it as his chance to step up and take care of you instead of you taking care of him.

Since Belphie falls asleep sometimes in the most inconvenient spots - you and his Brothers often have to move him and take care of him.

However now that you are ill, Belphie has an excuse to cuddle up with you all day in bed.

He will make you a hot chocolate and you both will lazily drink it together, half asleep, cuddled up under a blanket.

Belphie lends you his pillow to use when you are sick as you find it comforting.

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