How they are in a relationship

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Zamn , yall ready for part 2!???

Okay then enjoy - Bee.

Asmo -

In a relationship some of Asmos favourite aspects revolve around touch.

Asmo craves affection and expects you to give him what he desires.

He loves kisses and will demand them from you in a pouty fashion no matter the location.

He seems to always be clinging on to you and is not very good with personal space.

However this is how he feels secure -

Although Asmo may come off confident and self obsessed, he secretly has a lot of insecurities.

He adores being complimented and will always return them.

He views you as the most beautiful person and will do anything for your attention.

He can be quite needy, however he deeply cares for you.

Despite his past Asmo would never look at anyone else in the way he does  you.

He is in love with you and certainly wouldn't allow anyone else but you to look after him, after a hangover.


Mammon is very loud and open about your relationship.

He wants everyone to know you are in a relationship.

And if you ever get in a fight he cannot hide his emotions and will have a cry fest to his brothers.

He is very quick to speak and he definitely said "I love you" first.

He is always very protective of you even if in reality he is the scared one AKA . Watching horror movies.

He appreciates small acts and finds comfort in holding your hand.

After his brothers have teased him he sometimes comes to you for reassurance where you assure him. - He is the best and their words have no meaning.


Beel is very warm in a relationship.

He gives long comforting hugs.

He always knows if something is wrong and finds some sort of way of helping/comforting you.

If he feels hungry he always expects you to kiss him - a little joke between the two of you- to cut him off as you know what he's going to say.

He takes you on dates to milkshake bars and nice restaurants and always shares his food with you.

If you are feeling tired he will pick you up and carry you round like a big bear.

He also enjoys the small things and loves playing with your hair.

He will definitely be the big spoon.

You feel safe around him.

However you may be woken up a few times during the night to his stomach rumbling.


Levi overthinks a lot.

He needs a lot of reassurance - he never believed he'd get a partner so when you came along he became very attached.

Levi is really sweet to you however you do have to make most of the first moves as he gets scared.

But even so you do you know for sure he likes you as his face turns tomato red.

You like teasing him and seeing him get flustered.

He did kiss you first once but almost had a panic attack in the process.

He is a sucker for neck kisses but he would never tell you this.

He constantly thinks up scenarios with you in his head and probably has a sims file of you somewhere.

He has also made you a playlist with songs that remind him of you.

His favourite dates are staying inside, watching movies and cuddling.


Satan knows how to make you blush.

Unlike Levi he is very confident in telling you how he feels about you and likes making you flustered.

He is a romantic, and is always thinking of new ways to surprise you and romantic locations.

He took you to a cat cafe once and had croissants then after went on a book shop date.

He also loves physical touch and is fast to initiate it.

You never feel unloved around Satan.

He never argues with you when he's riled up and instead becomes passionate and takes it out on you that way.


Belphie loves physical touch and feels insecure when it's not provided.

One of his biggest fears is you being scared of him, and because of this he stays close to you at all times.

As he sleeps a lot his affection can sometimes be lazy and sloppy but you don't care.

You don't go out on too many dates but you go stargazing with him often where Lucifer finds you both asleep in the morning.

Belphie can be very passionate and shows his love to you in a very obvious manner.

He loves cuddles and switches between big spoon and little spoon depending on his mood.

He will cling to you and use you as his pillow.


Lucifer is by far the biggest romantic.

He doesn't do well with public affection, however in private he makes up for it.

He often buys you flowers.

And after a long day at work he enjoys slow dancing with you on the balcony under the moon.

He isn't shy and will gaze in to your eyes.

He only says "I love you" on occasions that fit. But you can tell.

He is always gentle with you and makes sure you are comfortable.

He loves his chest being touched and will return the favour by grabbing your waist which gets you flustered.

His kisses are deep yet soft and he is never rough with you.

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