Stressed mc (mc x lucifer)

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I am Scottish so I will be saying exams in the falling text, exams are a end of year tests that s4-s6 students in Scotland take.
Now on to the fanfic

Hello my name is bug my prons are he/they.
This is my first fanfic so sorry if it is bad plus I have dyslexia so I am sorry for bad spelling.


All of the demons that go to rad have been studying like crazy for their exams that are coming up, this is no exception to the exchange students from the human world and celestial realm.

You are finding that your studies have not been going the way that you have wanted them to go. you feel like you are really REALLY far behind, I mean you have only been here for a few months you have a unfair disadvantage from all the others. You really would love to go and ask the brothers for help but they are all in the same boat as you and you don't want to bother them from studying.

It was the night before one of your big exams, you decided to skip dinner that night to study as you didn't know a thing for the subject.

(Mc)- god damn it why can't I learn anything, I  am going to fail this and all my exams and everyone is going to be so disappointed in me. Why am I like this?.

You feel something wet running down your face, it was then that you realise that you where crying and with the tears you felt like you where struggling to breathe.

(Mc)- oh no... not now...

You start to hyperventilate and before you knew it you where having a full out mental breakdown.

-with the brothers at dinner-

(Mammon)- hey where is mc, they didn't come for dinner.

(Asmo)- yeah where is my darling.

(Lucifer)- they said that they where going to skip dinner to study.

(Beel)- they must be so hungry..

(Mammon)- yeah and to study of all thing, what a nerd thing to do.

(Satan)- at least they are studying unlike you.

(Beel)- maybe we should go and give them so food they must be starving if they skipped dinner.

(Belphie)- yeah I think that is a good idea beel.

(Asmo)- oh I want to go to.

All of the brother wanted to go and see mc but that means chaos.

(Lucifer)- no! No one is going to see them just let them study in peace, this must be very hard on them.

(Mammon)- yeah but-

(Lucifer)- you guy are to bother them do I make my self clear.


(Lucifer)- I said DO I MAKE MY SELF CLEAR.

(All the other brothers)- YES SIR.

And with that all of The brothers finished their dinners and went their separate ways but lucifer.

-lucifer pov-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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