Nothing can stop Love!

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The city skyline glittered beneath the canvas of night, a symphony of lights that mirrored the intricate complexities of the lives it cradled. A year had passed since the Shens' empire crumbled, and the echoes of that fateful mission lingered in the heart of Yang Zhen. The trauma surgeon had weathered storms of betrayal, and the wounds inflicted by the man who had posed as his lover, Gu Yiye, ran deep.

As the city slept, Yang Zhen found solace in the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitors within the hospital. The surgical theater, once a sanctuary, had become a refuge for him, a place where the tangible pain of others eclipsed the intangible ache within his own chest.

Its been an year. The year of silence had stretched before him like an endless road, and Yang Zhen navigated it with a stoic determination. Yang Kang had been by his side, a silent witness to the struggles of his didi who had unknowingly danced on the precipice of deception. If only he could take all the pain away from Yang Zhen, he would he in  a heartbeat. Thus he knows he has to be there for his brother. A constant support.

One evening, as the hospital corridors dimmed with the fading sunlight, Yang Kang found his brother lost in thought, gazing at the cityscape below.

"A-Zhen," Yang Kang's voice cut through the silence, a mixture of concern and understanding.

"You can't carry the weight of the past forever."

Yang Zhen turned to his elder brother, a man who had been both ally and accomplice in the mission against the Shens. 

"How do you move on, Ge? When the person you thought you knew turns out to be a stranger?"

Yang Kang sighed at the pained expression of his beloved didi. He cannot help but feel guilty, the weight of shared experiences etched on his face.

"You start by acknowledging the pain, facing it head-on. And then, step by step, you rebuild."

Rebuilding seemed like an insurmountable task, a puzzle with missing pieces but Yang Zhen knew better. The trauma surgeon threw himself into his work, carving a path through the pain with every life he saved. Yet, the silent void left by Gu Yiye remained, an ache that refused to be sutured.

The hospital corridors were a symphony of controlled chaos, a dance of doctors and nurses weaving through the ebb and flow of emergency cases. Yang Zhen, trauma surgeon extraordinaire, moved with a precision that mirrored the rhythm of the operating room. His world, once consumed by the shadows of betrayal, now found solace in the quiet hum of the hospital.

As he stepped into his office, the sterile scent of antiseptic enveloped him like a familiar embrace. The orderly chaos of medical charts and paperwork awaited his attention. Little did he know that the tranquility would be shattered by an unexpected presence. A knock echoed through the room, and without waiting for a response, the door creaked open. Yang Zhen, engrossed in a patient's file, looked up, expecting to see a colleague or nurse. The blood drained from his face as his gaze locked with the person standing in the doorway. Gu Yiye.

The air thickened with tension as the two men locked eyes. The words that lingered between them, the echoes of a painful past, reverberated in the silence. Yang Zhen's heart, steady as a surgeon's hand in the operating room, faltered for a moment.

'I never wish to see you again' Yang Zhen's own words, uttered in the aftermath of betrayal, echoed in his mind. Gu Yiye stood before him, alive and unmasked. The shock on Yang Zhen's face was palpable, a mixture of disbelief, relief and the resurgence of emotions he thought he had buried.

"Zhen-ah," Gu Yiye began, his voice carrying a weight of regret. 

"I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I needed to see you. I needed to explain."

THE CIVILIAN ASSET!👨‍⚕👮‍♂  [Zhanyi]Where stories live. Discover now