Prologue - July 30, 2011

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"You will be mine," the deep voice whispered harshly in my ear, his hand gliding up and down my thigh as his breath tickled my ear. "But do be careful, doll. Every moment you spend with me," his hand moved closer to the crease between my legs, his fingers fumbling there before pressing on my sensitive part as I gasped in pleasure. "Will be a danger to your well being."

"What do you mean?" I whispered, leaning my head back on his shoulder as he continued to rub me in short circular motions. I couldn't see his face, his hair, his clothes, anything - I could only hear his voice, feel his touch, surrounded by darkness.

"I kill people I like," I felt him smirk against my ear. "I drown in all that blood. It makes me feel alive. Killing people that I like makes me feel that I have control of my life, that I always know where they are and if I kill them here I know where to visit them. I can have them all to myself and you, Jade, are the person that I like the most, that I love. If only I could have you in my grasp forever..."

"Then what are you waiting for?" I breathed as I felt close to climaxing, his hand now slipping into my panties rather than rubbing from the outside. "Oh shit!" I cried out.

"Not now, baby," he purred, lightly tugging on my earlobe. "Wait a few moments."

"But why? What even is your name?" I breathed, pressing a kiss to his neck.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," he whispered, pressing a kiss to my parted lips.

"You never answered my question - of why you were waiting to kill me?"

"I want to make sure that you're loyal to me. They say I have a fear of rejection, if you will. I want to make sure that if you die, it's worth it."

"But - I don't want to die. I'm not like you. I love my life, despite it's flaws," I opened my eyes, still to see nothing. Who was he?

"Once you get a taste of death, you'll find its much more soothing than this life," he whispered. "Now let yourself go, baby."

Just as I felt the climax erupt while I arched my back upward, stifled moans escaping my lips, I bolted up from my bed trying to catch my breath.

I looked over to see that my digital clock read 3:42 in the morning. I had had trouble falling asleep that night, yet when I did it was a solid invigorating sleep. Though it felt like a long while, it truly wasn't. My slumber was interrupted by that dream.

How strange that dream was, I furrowed my eyebrows. I chalked everything up to the move - my inability to sleep and my strange dream. Although dreams were just dreams - our brains trying to discard, store, and process issues - I always seemed to be hung up on them, deciphering the deeper meaning they possessed.

I turned on my bedside lamp and walked over to my mirror, combing through my hair and peering at my pale face in the dim light, dark circles beneath my eyes. I fluffed out my matted down hair before using the bathroom, crawling back inside my bed.

Later today we would be leaving South Carolina forever, causing a twinge in my stomach. But the dream was currently my main concern. Whoever was in the dream had a dominant psycho sexual hold over me. The dream was erotic, titillating, and arousing in every sense but his words haunted me: I kill people I like.

A/N: Hey everyone! I'm sorry I usually never do smut in the beginning but as this was a dream it's a bit different. Like all of my stories, some content will be the same as the show, some will be totally different, and some things will be slightly tweaked. I tried to make the beginning as interesting as possible but if it is not it will get better, as the beginning is introductions and such. If you are confused with anything, you can always ask me about it but I assure you it will all make sense in the end. I hope you all will enjoy this story and stay tuned for the sequel. Thank you :)

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