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Hello there! Before we get into the story, I would just like to say a few things;

1. This story is completely fictional. Any of the events that happen in this book are not real, so don't get too upset! (it may punch you in the gut, though, but we'll see.)

2. I do reference some of the episodes heavily, and may use the same dialogue, but a lot of the story is my own writing, and I have spent a lot of time reworking this so that it flows well, fits the characters/show, and is enjoyable to read. If there are currently no other chapters as you're reading this, please know that I am working on it, and may have encountered some bumps, or maybe even writers block along the way.

3. I am going to be putting content warnings on each chapter so if there's something you're uncomfortable with, you will know ahead of time. And if you do have to skip a chapter, i will happily give you a summary on it so you don't get lost! <3 (just send me a quick DM and i'll get back to you as soon as possible!)

That's pretty much it. I began writing this around May of this year (2022), but it went through a few... difficult... times (the first draft was horrible, I can't bring myself to read it ever again). I am definitely so much happier with it now. As well, there will be different ships throughout the book, and although they may not be the main focus, I will still try and put some time into them (hotchniss, willifer, and morgan will eventually meet savannah.)

Now, for the warnings.

S: Sexual content. This book has a good chunk of smut in it ;)

A: Angst. Everyone loves angst, don't they?

F: Fluff. There's a good amount of this, but enjoy it while you can.

ST: Sensitive topics [including mentions of self harm, death, blood, suicide/suicidal thoughts, possible mention of SA (will not be written in full detail, that's just sickening for me to even try to write), self-harm, alcoholism, addiction, PTSD, neglect, child abuse, and other things that may be triggering to people.]

Lastly, I'm going to clarify ages. They're not canon to the show, as some of them don't work well with the story.

Elle is 28,

Spencer is 24/25 (he has his birthday early on in the story, where he will turn 25),

JJ is 26,

Emily is 32,

Hotch is 37,

Gideon is 51,

Garcia is 28,

and Morgan is 29.

I believe that's everything! If you made it this far, thank you. I have put a lot of time into this story, trying to make it actually good for those other spencelle shippers who believe these two deserved better. I can't guarantee that it will be "good", or that it'll be as satisfying as some may want, but I hope you all enjoy! <333


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