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At some point you had to rush into the fight because you had lost sign of Draken, You charged in and knocked whoever tried to hit you, Fuyuhiko took care of anyone that tried to sneak up on you, while running around you stumbled upon Mikey and Peh-yan yelling at each other 'Ugh, this is why I'm not in a gang, too much drama' you shook your head and turned away from them 'Hanagaki seemed worried so maybe if I find him I might find Draken?' "Fuyuhiko" he threw a unconscious guy away and looked at you "Yes?" "Let's split up" his eyes widened "What? Are you crazy what if something happens to you?!" You turned to him with a serious expression "Our priority now is to find Ryuguji Ken" he bit his tongue, it would do no good if he decided to bicker with you "Alright, but you better be careful" you huffed and you two ran in opposite directions.

You had finally found Hanagaki, but sadly it was too late, you rushed to him and the fallen Draken "DRAKEN!" he fell to his knees beside Draken's unconscious body "Draken-kun...!!" you kneeled beside Draken and rolled him over before pulling his shirt up to check the wound, and while you did that Hanagaki kept repeating Draken's name and getting unnecessary attention "What's the matter Takemichi!?" you heard Mikey yell 'Sorry Yato' you ripped the bottom of your yukata tied it around Draken's wound "Draken-kun... Draken-kun has been stabbed!"

"Move!" You looked in Mikey's direction and watched him throw people around to get to Draken but before he could get far he was kicked away by Hanma 'WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE YOU LAMP POST LOOKIN BITCH' "Found ya, Mikey!" You looked at Hanagaki who seemed to be crying, he was clutching his shirt and breathing heavily 'Shit- what do I do-' you frowned and did the only thing you knew, you slapped him- his bottom lip quivered as he stayed at you with wide eyes "Look Hanagaki, I know this is traumatic but you gotta snap out of it!" You fisted his shirt and pulled so he would listen you better "He's still breathing, we gotta take him and go get help now!" he sniffed and nodded "R-right" you both looked down when Draken coughed "Takemicchi" 

Hanagaki looked at Mikey with newfound determination "Mikey-kun, he's still alive!!" "You'll have to carry him Hanagaki, it'll be easier for me to fight and make way for us that way" he nodded "Take care of Kenchin!!" You felt a vein pop on your forehead and you looked at Mikey with a glare, but the desperation in his eyes as he looked at the three of you made you bite the inside of your cheek and nod 'Seriously... What do you think we are doing' you raised Draken and put him on Hanagaki's back before stepping in front of him "Follow me" you started running and throwing people out of the way for the blondes.

You two had gotten out of the battlefield now and you looked at Takemichi who was suffering from Draken's weight "Here let me carry him" you stood beside Takemichi but before you could take Draken away from him he took a step back "no..."​​​​​​ He coughed "You can't, what if someone from moebius comes after us?" You nodded "Alright let's keep going" you two started walking again you kept your attention forward but looked at the taller blonde she he coughed blood "Hang in there Draken-kun, were takin you to a hospital! We'll save you no matter what!" You bit the inside of your cheek anxiously 'It would be faster if I carried him' you looked in the direction you two had comen from when you heard the noises of sandals.

Much to your surprise you saw Hinata, Emma, and Zack, but no signal of Yato or Kazutora, "Takemichi-kun!" They seemed so worried... Of course they were worried Hina's in a relationship with Takemichi and those other two know each other, you stepped back and stood against the wall watching them interact "Hina-chan, Emma-chan" he looked at them with wide eyes "We already called an ambulance" "How's Draken?!" She was on the brink of tears as she looked at the unconscious Draken "It's okay, he's still alive!" He leaned down and put Draken on the floor, Emma kneeled and put his head on her lap.

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