I didn't want too

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Tommy when out to go meet up with his brother at a café.

Once he got there he seen his brother sitting down so he gose to sit with him. "What do you want?" asked Tommy. "Hey can a brother not hang out with his little bro?" He asked. "You didn't talk to me for years and came back to tell me that your sending me to court. So no" tommy snaped.

"Fine you got me. I actually just wanted to show you something in my car" he said. Tommy gave him a confused look. "You made me come here to see something in your car?" Tommy asked confused.

"Yea I know your in the dress mp or something and the car I got came with a green person sticker" he said. "Oh that's cool I guess but Is that really all?" Tommy asked confused. "Yea now come see" he said. Tommy being a kid followed his brother to the car.

Once the door was opened he was pushed in and the door closed. His brother got in fast and locked the doors driving away.

"What the fuck are you doing!" Tommy asked madly and scared. "You told people who beat you up so lelo (that's was her name right?) keeping her promises" his brother said

"What? No you guys can't do this let me go" tommy said. He was doing anything to try and get the car door open but no luck. His brother had a type of truck that there was a wall thing stoping you to go to the front. So tommy was stuck in the back.

"Let me go please" tommy begged. It was like that for a bit. Untill they reached a house. He was taken inside.

His brother helped make sure tommy didn't run off and made him do lelo. Tommy was crying the whole time.

Once they decided that was eguff he was aloud to put his clothes back on. "Here I'll drive him home" she said. His brother nodded and tommy had no choice but to let her drive him.

Once the very quiet car ride was done. Other then a few snifs from tommy they arrived back to his place. He tryed to run off into the house but she stoped and pined him against the door kissing him. Trying to French kiss him. He was crying like hell trying to open the door as he was pined.

Luckily someone inside notic the door non turning but failing to go all the way so dream open the door and when he seen tommy crying and getting forst to kiss a girl he pulled tommy away.

"What the fuck where you doing!" Dream yelled at the girl. Others in the house heard the sound and came to see what was happening.

"Come on I just want one French kiss" she said. Tommy sobs became harder. "What the fuck did you do to him?" Dream asked agrely.

She just smiled. Finally tubbo ran up to tommy and hugged him also making him walk farther from the door. "I didn't want to" Tommy kept mubiling. Now Phil, techno and tubbo where all trying to calm tommy down.

"He not as bad in bed as when he was 14. More crying this time though" she said. That's when dream punched her with all forst.

"Your going to rot in jail" he said. "No who will the police believe. A girl saying the boy raped her or a boy saying she raped him" she laughed.

"He 17 your what 20? So they probably will believe him" dream said. "Probably not but ok. Now I wanna see my daughter" she said. "No you don't have a daughter. And your not seeing the girl you ditched all those years ago. Now leave" Dream said.

She flipped him off and left.

The others where there unsure what to do.

It was silent other then the loud sobs from the kitchen. "I didn't want to do it" he sob loudly witch broke everyone's hearts.

Tubbo huged him harder.

Phil felt like he failed. He told tommy he will pretect him from the treaths but here they are trying to calm tommy down after she made him have sex with her again.

"Tommy this time you have to go to the police" Phil said. Tommy just shock his head and cryed.

"Tommy-" techno started but decided now wasn't the right time to try and convince him to call the cops.

After around a hour Tommy's sobs had stoped and the boy fell asleep in tubbos arms. Luckily El was still upstairs with ranboo who was told though text to not let el come down.

"Phil he asleep" tubbo said. "Let's move him to the couch" Phil said. They brought tommy to the couch and let him sleep and when to the other room to talked to the others.

"Dream did she says she going to the cops? Or did she say that if he gose to the cops she will put the blame on him?" Asked Phil. "She made it sound more like the second but I cannot be sure" dream said. "Dang ok guys be prepared for cops to come we never know" Phil said the others nodded.

They talked a bit about what they will do if cops come untill there was small sobs coming from the living room.

Tommy was sobbing in his sleep probably having a dream about what happened. Luckily tubbo knew how to help tommy with bad dreams form when they where 14. Tommy didn't say what they where about back then but probably the same thing.

Tubbo just played with his hair untill he stoped crying. "When we where 14 he was like this for mouths. I don't know when they stoped sence he stoped having sleepovers" tubbo said.

"They probably stopped when he convinced his brain that sence he consented at some point it was his fault" techno said.

The others didn't know much about it but hearing tommy blaming himself for the first time made there hearts sink even more.

They just sat in silence. At some point Phil making dinner for everyone even bringing up food for ranboo and El

Once he got up there El began to ask many questions

"Is daddy ok?" "When can I see him?" "Why where you guys yelling?" She alder all of those multiple times. For all she got a srugh.

It was hard to find a way to explain the situation a bit for a 2 year old to back off. Expressly without lying.

Ranboo was secretly freaking out and confused, scared, angry and more sence he couldn't go down and see what was going on and no one was telling him. He could guess by the yelling he heard though.

"He was better then when he was 14" stuck out the most from all he heard witch isn't much when you need to destract a 2 year old.

The people downstairs are mostly hopping that she doesn't get pregnant again. A 17 year old having 2 kids wouldn't be a good thing for him.

But they will be there for him no matter what happens though.

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