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"Mom, tell me again about the Princess of Obelia, pretty please?"

It was one finest summer, one of the biggest festival that have been ever held in south. Fluttering flags and many more fireworks. Girls with their colorful dress, neat shoes and the boys who tried to flirt them with roses and cheap tricks. Some were playing the music, some were dancing on the rhythm of the violin's strings. Some were talking about their harvest, many more were talking about their hunting. The price of wheat and corn who never be higher or the winter which soon would wrapped again in December. Sun was only burning beyond them that some of them were bringing the parasol, yelling to their children that they shouldn't run near the road and they just ended pouted. One horse carriage once again just stopped there, loaded out the knights which have been lined up from the very early afternoon when the girl pulled her mother's dress again, also pouted.

"The Princess would come soon. Why don't you see and greet her by yourself? Be polite to the Princess and be careful of the carriage too."

The girl run in smile, even before Jennette could waved her a good bye and Jason could only laughed on Jennette's pouted face. He linked his hand into hug, buried Jennette into his arm and so comfortably laid his head upon hers, hearing all her grumbles. Her hair has gotten more longer that she tight it into bun, even her bump was seen growing bigger from behind her dress that she can't easily walked again while the crowd just went wild and Elena was already waving her hand happily in the frontest, seeing the carriage which slowly passed and amazed her eyes. She also started to scream, waving her hand so happily as one of the biggest and pretties carriage passed. Lined by gold, even its wheels was shining under the summer beam while the Princess with her golden hair streamed was waving gently, politely returned all the smile from its window. 

The carriage Jennette ever ride once.

The warm welcome she ever had and she proud it so much.

The fragrance she smelled from the carriage, as the horse knocked its feet and the carriage walked gently.

She used to be a Princess before.

She used to be the one who would received those flowers and all those warm greetings.

A person that everyone would be adored and praised, a person that would be liked and loved.

"It's okay to admit that you miss all of these things sometimes. You've been there before, she might understands you."

Jason held his wife's hand gently, finding a way to hug her bump which has gone bigger and laid his hand on her shoulder that Jennette ruffled that brown hair gently, making him smile.

"It's a lie that I don't miss Obelia. But it's a relieve that the position has gone to the right one. I'm glad that she is the Princess, Obelia sure be proud of her."

The carriages were slowly passing, many more people were waving their hand, some were throwing flower as a farewell. The kids even run for the carriages, making their parents just come forward and scolded them more. 

The sun now was getting red on the west, the sight of the kids which running, the sound of people who were yelling and screaming, Jennette who waved her hand with Jason who keep hugging her from behind with smile also slowly gone and disappeared. The carriage was still walking steadily, the sun only fell on Athanasia's face gently, to the eyes which saw the flower she received a moment ago from the kid who just so brazenly run after her carriage.

So brazen just like her mom.

Athanasia only smiled at her thought, remembering again the smile she saw as Jennette waved her a hand and their eyes met.

"I just don't expect that she would still remember the roses I love so much."

And the carriage was still walking, now with Athanasia who smile inside of it.

I just miss Jason, so I wrote this
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