👾 :: Prt 1 | A strange cookie?.. .:: 🦋

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⚡️ :: 3rd person POV :
As Lychee woke up, out of pure boredom they went to go and check out how their workers are doing. Same as yesterday, nothing new. No ones been talking back, nor been breaking the spell. Boring. As Lychee walked out the cave, they thought - *hey... why not explore somewhere new ? Maybe recruit some more workers.* Lychee explored around the nearby islands, due to everything being BORING. Until -
"Hmph... Now whats this?!" They say, As they spot a butterfly-looking... Cookie?! "I've never seen them before. Hmm..." Trying to inspect, but also not get recognized, Lychee gets closer out of curiosity. *cyan... pink? Blue, and a butterfly. Nyaha... A butterfly? How odd.* The main things they remembered about the searching cookie, as they did some 'research' on where to find the butterfly cookie again.

-----timeskip, next day. -

As Sugar Glass woke up, to tend to her daily routine, she checks all the glass, waters any plants, any self-care-based things, and then cooked breakfast.
"Amber Sugar ! Breakfasts read - " Sugar called -
"Wha - ?! Intruders ?! WHER- ... oh !..."
Amber Sugar said in Distress, till they realized nothing was wrong . Sugar Glass smiled softly at the sudden realization, as this also became a part of their daily routine. The two ate in peace, until Sugar Glass had told Amber Sugar that she also wanted to explore and look for things. Despite not telling him about their curiosity yesterday.
"A-Are you sure Sugar?... You could get... hurt! I dont want you to get hurt.." Amber Sugar said softly.
"You worry to much Amber! Ill be ok! I can garentee." Sugar said assuringly. "Mmgh... Fine ! But only if i come with you !"
Sugar Glass giggled at that, refusing the help Amber offered. "Ughhh ! You know i worry about you. Then dont be long." Amber Sugar said in annoyance. "Haha, If you insist. Ill be going now, then. Be sure Nectar Delight doesnt get into any trouble while im gone!" Sugar said as she walked out the door.

*ahh... nice , fresh, air. So lovely.* She thought to herself.

"There she is! ..."

*hm?-- who could that be... why would they be looking for me?*-- before Sugar could finnish their thoughts, Lychee had already snuck up on her.

"KYAA! There you are!!-- I've never seen you up close before!" they exclaimed.
"What?.. Who the... Um.. even are you?" Sugar said, confused.
"Me? Nyahaha!! Funny you dont know!"
"So... are you gonna tell me?" Sugar asked
"Oh!-- you were being SERIOUS?! Okayy.. i am the great Lychee Dragon!~ And you... whats your name anyways?" Lychee insisted on a response.
"... Sugar Glass-- Why were you looking for me anyways?" She confronted the curious dragon.
"Mee? Ouhhh.. just... yknoww... Seen ya around, got curiousss..." Lychee dragged on any word said in that sentence.
"Hmm. You sure?" Sugar Glass doubtfully replied. "And you dont believe me? How mean!-" As Sugar Glass got bored of this 'bs', she began to walk away as Lychee followed. "..You dont shut up do you?" Sugar playfully said as Lychee ranted about the most random shit a cookie could think of. "Whaa??! Your not very nice... you should be more nice!" Lychee teased back. They talked back and forth like they'd known eachother for more than a day, and a hour or two passed of conversation and Amber Sugar, in the other hand began to wonder where Sugar Glass is.

--With Amber Sugar

"Ugh! Where the hell is Sugar?! She's been gone for three hours... I said be back quickly..!" Amber said impatiently, As their thoughts of panic took over action , they began to go out and attempt to find Sugar, because overall, you wouldnt wanna lose your best friend either would you?
For around an hour, They searched of any place they could think of.

"sigh. No sign of that dumb butterfly..." Amber sighed as they returned .


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