🍈 :: Prt 2 | A visit .:: 🔎

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At the end of day, Lychee had decided to head back to their comfortable cave, and Sugar back to her sanctuary--

With sugar glass

"SUGAR!!" Amber yelled, his hair a mess and a cup of coffee in hand. As soon as she came in , He immediately sprung up in excitement. He swarmed Sugar Glass , asking all these questions -- "How are you? Did something happen? WHY WERE YOU LATE-- Are you okay?!" ...

At that, Sugar Glass let out a small chuckle,
"Aha, Amber you worry too much ! Im fine !" She said with a smile

"I... I- I was only worried because you were late!!" Amber tryed to act like he didnt really care. Sugar always found that kinda cute about amber sugar, not in a romantic way though.

With lychee

"Eeeeek!!! I cant believe i actually TALKED to them?!" They squealed. Sugar glass was an amazingly unique cookie to them, Lychee would normally not care for such as a cookie, something seemed special to them about her.

"This Sugar glass... why does she facinate me so much? Why do i want to know more about her?-- Shes a cookie! I cant believe ive been so... WHATEVER YOU CALL IT!! Over a cookie!!" Lychee said, while pacing around their room. "UGH!-- I HATE THIS FEELING--"
"Feeling?..." They had begun to question their feelings. They've never had such butterflys just by seeing someone... it feels.. so weird . Maybe..

"..do.. i like---"

*knock knock knock*
"AHH!-- SHIT--" Lychee screamed--

"Oh dear great violet dragon! You have visitors!" One of lychees loyal workers said, although they could barely hear him due to the door muffling everything...
"Oh!-- UHM-- Come in?--" 'The great violet dragon' resonded.
As the doorknob twisted, Amber sugar walks in.

"Eh?-- who- who are you?" Lychee calmly said, "Im Amber Sugar. And i know you held Sugar glass fron coming back last night-- WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER--" Amber intimidatingly said. Despite his attempts to be scary, Lychee responded with a smile, "Aha! You think i would have intrest in hurting a cookie? That would... be a waste of time! Along with the fact, we had only been talking! No need to get all protective.. Jeez.."

"Okayokay... but... just, dont try and like... Drag her into your demoncy or.. whatever!! If shes safe with me, she better be safe with you too." Amber Sugar this time, calmly said. Also trying to mach lychees energy.

"Okay.. ill be going now. Thats all i wanted to say-- bye." Amber said as he walked out the door.

Huh.. Now-- WHAT just happened?-- lychee thought to themself. Odd.



// 456 words //

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