💿 :: Prt 3 | Achoo! .:: 🦇

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lychees pov ;

"ACHOO!!" i sneezed... Crap. Aghh, as i have time for a meeting with sugarr... glass? i think it is-- i get SICK!! This is so STUPID and RIGGED!!! AGHHH!!!!

i cant believe ill have to stay in bed. all day. like this. servants come in and out, but its just not the same. i want to see HER!! I want her to be here and help me, not these people! They're supposed to be working either way... i think of ways to communicate with her, and i figured..

"Y'know what? Screw these guys!! im a DRAGON! I can cope for just a... However minute long flight... Right?? im not some weakling!!"

yeah. that'll work. why do i even listen to these servants either way??

- 3rd person pov

lychee tiredly huffed, attempting to calculate where they were, as they got lost. They protested to themself, mumbling about sorts of things such as -
"why would she not tell me which direction to go... huff-- this is stupid and rigged!!!".

As their vision slowly closed, they began to weaken and fall. CRASH !!

-sugar glass pov

I heard a huge crash just nearby... I swear, ever since that dragon came by, things haven't even had a chance to be boring.
Speaking of them.. Where are they? If i recall correctly, we were supposed to meet.. --

right. i gotta stop off-tracking, thats gotta be my demise one day.

As i rush outside to observe what had happened, i see a curled-up-in-a-ball violet & pink dragon. Pff, the irony. Aside from the fact i thought they stood me up... if thats the right word... not like it was a date or anything, or important at that.... I approach them, and attempt to tap them. Didn't work. Yikes, will i have to carry them in?? Sigh.


After a few minutes or so of attempting to carry a HEAVY ASS DRAGON into the shelter, i placed them on the nearest bed. although looks were quite deceiving, especially with the heavy thing, they were kind of... adorable..

I laugh at myself quietly, this sounds so gay.

Hm, i wonder what caused the 'all mighty violet dragon' to crash so hard. possibly a fever? might as well check, couldn't hurt i guess. I head out the room, and into the kitchen in search of any sort of temperature-taking device.

-lychee pov

"GAAH!!- WHERE --- amm... i???" i screech as i suddenly wake up to the sound of a door closing. this place looks oddly familiar, reminds me of her- AGH-- this sounds so GAY!!-- *achoo!* i sneeze mid-thought. Ah, i also forgot about that. As i begin questioning where i am again, a certain cookie walks through the door that woke me up minutes earlier.

She seems surprised i'm awake, what happened?? did i magically recover from cancer or some bullshit?--

Sugar walks towards me without speaking a word, and asks me --

"can you just relax for a minute? i don't have any fancy tools or anything, but you may have a fever, and id like to check if thats alright"

i nod in agreement and un-tense myself, trusting what she says aside the suddenness of all this.

I feel her soft hand on my forehead, and her hand immediately pulls away.

"Ah!! you poor thing, you're burning up, bad!"
she quietly chuckles as she murmurs something that i can only make out to be - "what happened to the great almighty dragon?"

-3rd person pov

"HEY!! IF I HEARD THAT RIGHT!--" Lychee squealed, Sugar jumped at the sudden loudness, but followed that action by beginning to laugh, it seemed so funny to her to see such a high ranked dragon to be so easy to tease. As the violet dragon began to mutter things that were obviously responses to the snarky comment sugar made, Sugar interrupted lychees quiet rant, and said -

"Aside from that, are you okay? seriously, i might've burnt myself on that forehead of yours..! do you need some sort or tea or anything?" As she bent down to face level with lychee, causing the already violet dragon to turn just a sightly lighter shade of pink die to the sudden closeness.

Lychee pondered at 'anything. Anything, hm?' They thought. despite the previous thoughts, Lychee took up on the tea. The rambutan villagers showed them all the healthy benefits of tea 'nd all that stupid stuff.


Lychee drifted asleep shortly after Sugar left, as Lychee slept peacefully, Amber woke up and started a conversation with Sugar, unaware of Lychee upstairs. As Sugar finally finished the tea and made way to the the room Lychee was in, Amber followed shortly behind out of boredom and wanting to finish their conversation, but had a surprise awaiting him as the two walked into the room. "AH!! WHATS THAT ONE DOING HERE?!--" he blurted...


me casually posting this after a whole ass year of not ACKNOWLEDGING this fanfic HAHAHSHXBCB -- also sosososososososoosososososososososososoosos sorry for the withdraws i coudlnt think of ANYTHIGN also yes pt 2 of this chapter will b out... sometime....... 😈 muahahahs anywyas cya soon                

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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