Trigger Warning: Murder

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Stories of murder and crimes

Come on. Just one kill. He's a terrible person who abused you and probably more women. Do you want those women to never get justice?

Killing is wrong though...

Yes, it is, when an innocent life is lost. He is not innocent.

I know, but...

Come on.  Let out your rage. Letting it out would be good for you. 

I know it would, but if I kill someone, I'll get sent to prison. ADULT prison. 

Not if it's self-defense. You're good at hacking. Make it look like he hurt you first. Or provoke him.

I guess I could... But mom always said it's bad. And it's against the law. 

if you don't do it, I will. Understand? And I'll kill about 30 other people too if you don't kill that one person. 


THAT'S a better attitude.

-30 minutes later-

She scratched his face as a result of him trying to kill her. She didn't even have to provoke him. He did it on his own. True self-defense. 

Blood ran down his eyeballs and down his cheeks, but he wasn't done fighting. 

She went first with a spoon in her hands. She mustered up all the strength she could and dug the spoon deep into his eye, pulling out the eyeball. It was a messy gooey substance as she let it fall to the ground.

She loved the sound of pained screams coming out of his mouth. She loved the look of fear on his face. There was a plethora of ways she could kill him. Let us take the easy route. She dug the knife into his gut after cutting off his tiny dick.  She enjoyed the sounds of anguish from the hole in his face the moment before he died. He had bled out... slowly. 

The feeling of ending life gave her power. She could kill whoever she pleased if she wanted to.

Do it. Kill every abuser and r/pist out there! Don't hold back. 


DO NOT HOLD BACK! Do you see how you feel? You have power over those who hurt others. You can kill those who hurt your friends. This time, it was true self-defense. Next time, it would be real. Won't you love that?






Yes. I would love that

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