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The girl had a grin on her face as she watched the man who was in a lot of pain, squirming about for a while. She knelt in front of him. "Tell me your crime."

Tears ran down his eyes. "I killed a lot of people."

"For what reason?" She prompted. 

"Because I didn't get what I wanted." He replied. "They didn't do everything I asked of them... 

"You are experiencing this pain because you are a sexist and misogynistic person who targeted women who wouldn't have sex with you." She told him. "That is a very fucked up thing to do. No, you didn't r/pe them, but you took away their choice.  A female should choose what to do with her body. Whether it be sex, an abortion or CERTAIN vaccines. Although, getting that covid vaccine does help people." She smiled. "Your misogynistic tendences are coming to haunt you, because I, a female, am making you pay for your crimes."

He spat in her face. "Fucking pathetic. You should be at home cooking for your husband."

"Wife." She corrected. 

"Women don't have that right. I'm sure your wife is just as pathetic as you." He glared.

She pulled a knife out and cut down his wrist long ways. "You won't refer to my wife that way. Keep in mind, (name), the thing you succeeded to do in life is become an accountant. Tell me, isn't that seen as a woman job?" She grinned. "Add that to your list of crimes. Homophobic as well."

He let out a whimper of pain. "Stop it." He fell to the ground. "It hurts."

She grinned as she watched the blood run down his arm. "Beg all you want. I'm not stopping."

He tried to run away as best he could. 

She stomped on his hand. "Very nice try." She smiled. "But it takes more than that to get rid of me."

He began to feel lightheaded and dizzy, tears streaming down his face. His eyes were blurry, and his ears rang. The next he knew, he was unconscious. 

The girl cut off his limbs, leaving his arms in trashcans and his legs into the Pacific Ocean. No one would find him there. His genitals were placed in a bag and sent to his father. She left no fingerprints and no saliva. There was nothing to connect her to this murder. 

Sexist men will get what they deserve. 
They will be killed off one by one until the patriarchy is disbanded and gone.
No regrets will be brought to these kills.
men will be brought to justice. 

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