Songs and Sorrows

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Hey Guys,Shebrine here. Just want to say that by the title someone WILL die. Still deciding who but Noel can't revive them until a certain date,Friday the 13. That's all!
Shebrine's pov
Great just Great. I said in my mind. I was stuck in a cell with Mando. He was tunning his guitar and was mumbling a song. Jack's working for that little bitch. What a crack-head. I finished my thoughts.
Mando began to sing'The Show Must Go On.' Half way through the song I began to mumble along. But mumbling turning into dancing and soon Mando and me were shaking the prison." Gah! Let me go!" Someone screamed. I looked to see who it was and it was Ender! I tried using my powers to break the bars but it was no use. Instead I just screamed at the guard that was holding her." You let go of her right now! You little bitch!" I screamed. I was going to say something else but Mando put his hand over my mouth. I still don't get why they put one girl and one boy in each cell.
"Shh." Mando said as he pulled me back to the bed." Just be quiet. They won't hurt her." I calmed down. I heard a cell door open and shut. I ran to the bars to see who it was. Right across from me was Ender and Deadlox. Ender was blushing as Deadlox looked at her with those purple eyes." They are so right for each other." I mumbled. Mando came up to me and laughed." Yeah,they are." He said." Do you think the reason why Terri put us in here was to...uhh.." I finished his sentence." Mate." Mando looked at me." Uhh.." He said as he blushed."I like a human." I said looking at him." I just don't like-like any YouTubers."
Mando looked little someone had stabbed his heart a million times. I looked over at Ender's and Deadlox's cell. I began to laugh as Deadlox pulled Ender in and was making out with her. Whenever they heard me they stopped,looked over,and blushed." Shut up." Deadlox said as his face grew a bright red. Ender giggled at him. I rolled my eyes." I half expected them to mistake you as a boy,Ender." I said as I gripped the bars." Yeah! Me too!" She said." Well I don't act like normal girls." A crazy smile spread across her face. I laughed. Somehow Ender,all of my friends,make me laugh.
"Wait!" I said."I got a idea!" Ender looked at me. The thought clicked in her mind." Do it!" She said. I turned to see if Funnygamer or Dexter-gamer were near by."Logan! Dexter!" I whispered to neighboring cells. Someone gripped the bars." Syd?" Logan asked his brown hair feel in his face. Dexter appeared in the cell next to him. I laughed and yelled to Ender." They thought Dexter was a girl!" I said as Ender fell on her back and almost on her wings laughing. Dexter rolled his eyes." I'll give you the speakers." Dexter said as he pushed his long black hair out of his face. He shoved his hands through the bars. His eyes closed and opened as a black figure appeared and created a box.
"It's all up to you." Funny said his brown eyes glowing. I sighed. I looked over to find Noel and Paisley but I didn't see them. I formed a microphone in my hand and signaled Mando to play'Some Nights'. He began to play and I sang.
Some Nights I stay up,Cashing in my bad luck.
I heard another voice join in. Paisley.
Some Nights I call it a draw.
Noel soon joined in.
Some Nights I wish that my lips could bulid a castle.
Ender joined in.
Some Nights I wish they'd just fall off.
Funny and Dexter joined in.
But I still wake up, I still see your ghost. Oh lord I'm still not sure what I stand for. OH WHOA!(WHAT DO I STAND FOR?)
Everyone quieted down. Mando joined in and jumped up singing.
Most Nights I dont know anymore!
Everyone in the prison began clapping along and singing.
Oh Whoa,Oh Whoa,Oh Whoa,Oh,Oh x2
After that it was my turn and I began to sing.
This is it boys. This is war! What are we waiting for? Why don't we break the rules already?
The prison walls shook. A blast of orange ,blue,and red came from the wall. There,standing,were my classmates that I haven't seen in like a billion years. They alk flew up and began releasing the YouTubers. Zach flew over to my cell. Gave me a glance and opened the door." Thanks,Zach." I said as I stepped out." No problem." He said." Anything for a friend." I smiled as Ender ran over. She gave a big hug and squeezed me.
"I will never let you go." She said. I smiled and hugged her back. I stopped and pushed her away. I looked at Zach,Mando,And Ender." We have to find Terri." I said. They nodded their heads. We ran to an office door and opened it. There standing was Jack and Terri talking. Terri handed Jack a bow and did a devilish smile.
"Now's your chance,Jack." Terri said as she pointed to me." Kill her and you will become the most powerful YouTuber ever." Jack stared at the bow and arrow." I'm sorry." He said as he pointed it towards me. He the quickly turned around and shot it at Terri." I will not be a part of this!" He screamed. Terri caught the arrow and the turned into Herobrine. Jack left the room screaming" Paisley!"
Herobrine looked at me as my eyes glowed blue." I'm sorry,my child." He said as he threw the arrow at me. Before I could act,Mando jumped in front of me and took the arrow." No!" I screamed as Ender and Zach put some of those special handcuffs on Herobrine and threw him into a cell. I looked at Mando. Blood was gushing from his wound which had pierced threw his stomach." Get Noel!" I yelled to Ender."N-no." Mando said stopping Ender." It's too late for me. Tell Noel to save her strength. I'll be back later.".I began to cry so very hard when Mando closed his eyes and stopped breathing.
Ender put her hand on my shoulder." Let's go." She said. Zach and me wrapped him in a large blanket and began to carry him out of the room leaving Herobrine to rot. As we traveled through the crowd of classmates and YouTubers,there were sobs and silence. I began to mumble'Let her go'. As we put Mando in a tomb.
Well you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love him when you let him go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missin' home
Only know you love him when you let him go
And you let him go
I held my hand up yo my eyes as tears flowed. The stone door shut and that was the last I saw of Mando.

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