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Jimin & Y/N

Location: Itaewon

Y/N observes the agent as he drives, one hand on the wheel as the other rests against the window.

He looks so innocent like this, nothing like the cruel and ruthless person she's come to know.

How did he even discover this contact of his? How does one just come across the owner of a BDSM club?

She's tempted to ask but thinks better of it as the likelihood of getting a genuine and honest response from someone like Jimin is slim to none and she simply doesn't have the energy for it.

He hasn't spoken a word to her since they left the bunker anyway so it's pretty clear he doesn't want to talk.

Yet she's curious and can't help the way her eyes continue to stray.

She's never met anyone like him before, he's a complete enigma and even though she detests his abhorrent behaviour there's something about him that intrigues her.

Is he always like this? What happened to make him so defensive to the point of acting so maliciously?

What was is it about her that he detested so much? Was it simply down to the fact he didn't trust her and believed her to be part of this organisation they keep speaking of or was there something more?

"You've been staring at me since we left, say what's on your mind or would you prefer to take a picture?" Jimin's eyes never left the road but she didn't miss the way his fingers tightened around the wheel or how his lips curled up mockingly.

"I'm just trying to figure you out." She answers honestly, not really in the mood for playing games. "I get everyone else, just don't get you."

"You've spent a few days with us, you don't get anyone." Jimin hisses, tone one of disdain to which Y/N sighs.

"I'm not saying that I know you well enough to be certain, what I'm saying is that from the interactions I've had so far I get why the others are like they are but what I don't get is you."

"There's nothing for you to get." Jimin responds, a bite to his words which serves as warning for her to back off and even though it's tempting to continue pushing the agent she relents.

"Can you at least tell me how you come to know the owner of a BDSM club?" She's fully aware that Jimin might refuse to answer her questions but she's curious and wants to at least try.

"Why are you so adamant in asking me questions?"

"It's too quiet, I don't like it when it's too quiet." Y/N whispers the last part but she knows that Jimin heard it.

When it's quiet she focuses too much on what's happening to her and that only causes her fear to grow and become more turbulent.

She needs something to focus on.

She needs distraction from the way her thoughts spiral.

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