Sneak Peek To No Way Home

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(A/n: No Way Home and Multiverse of Madness are gonna be in the same book since the NWH appearance is very short. So technically this is a sneak peek to the sequel. Figured you guys needed a taste of what is to come. Enjoy)

"You know what? I wouldn’t change a thing I did." she said and she walks away and starts to get to work. "Me neither." Ned said and he rips his letter up too. Then, picks up the pieces. "Although, I do need to show this letter to my parents." He said and Peter watches Ned slump away. He feels guilty and hopeless, until...

Peter’s eyes fall upon the decorations MJ is taking down. A set of Halloween lights that look like...wizards? And this gives Peter an idea.

Later, Peter walks down the street and comes up to the Sanctum Santorum. He approaches, about to ring the bell when...The doors swing open to reveal snow...everywhere. Covering the floor and the stairway. Two apprentices futilely shovel snow into small buckets. Peter enters, crunching through the snow, shivering.

"Um. Hi." he greets and the apprentices stop and stare at him. "Hi? I’m, uh--" Peter started to greet when the familiar red-orange sparkly portal opens. "The most famous person in the world, I know." Wong said as he enters from the portal, wearing a large brown puffy winter coat and sets down several suitcases. 

A second later, (y/n) enters through the portal, wearing a familiar type of coat as Wong but red. "Wong." Wong introduced to Peter and (y/n) turns to the teen and smiles. "Hello, Peter. Try not to slip, we don’t have liability insurance." She warns him as Wong goes back through the portal to get more suitcases.

"Is all this for a holiday party?" Peter asked her, gesturing to the snow. "No, one of the Rotunda Gateways connects to Siberia. A blizzard blasted through." (Y/n) explains and a blast of cold air comes through. And Stephen Strange, in a blue parka, floats down the stairway with a mug of hot cocoa.

"Because someone forgot to cast the monthly maintenance spell to keep the seals tight." Stephen said, pointed, which made (y/n) bite her lips, a bit annoyed, while Stephen lands next to her, slips slightly. "That’s right, she did, because he forgot I now have higher duties--" (y/n) said, pointedly back, as she looks back over at Peter then Stephen looks over at her.

Higher duties?!” he said, balking, and (y/n) sighs, heavily, at this. "Yes, dear. The Sorcerer Supreme, or in this case Sorceress Supreme, has higher duties." (Y/n) said as she turns to face him then Peter looks over at Stephen.

"Wait, I thought you were the Sorcerer Supreme--" he asked. "No, she got it on a technicality ‘cause I blipped for five years." Stephen replied, defensively. "Oh." Peter said then he turns to (y/n). "Well, congratulations." He said and (y/n) smiles. "Thank you, Peter. At least someone is being supportive." She said as she gives a side-eye to Stephen.

"Hey, I am supportive of you. I'm just saying if I’d been here, then I would have--" Stephen started to say when Wong walks past them. "Burned the place down." he said, making Stephen stop and (y/n) snort out a laugh, while he goes over to the Apprentices. "You two! No one said, Stop shoveling!” he yells and the two continue to shovel the snow while Wong goes back to packing up.

"So, Peter. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Stephen asked Peter. Peter is hesitant, shivering, slips a little on the snow as they walk over to a nearby fireplace. "Right, um...I’m really sorry to bother you two, sir, but--" Peter said. "Please, we saved half the universe together, I think we’re beyond you calling me sir.” Stephen said as he waves his hand towards the fireplace, making fire.

"Okay, uh...Stephen--" Peter said. "That feels weird. But I’ll allow it." Stephen said, quickly, and (y/n) smirk a bit. "Uh, when, um...when Mysterio revealed my identity, my entire life got screwed up. And, I was wondering...I mean, I don’t really know if this would actually work, but I was wondering if...maybe you two could go back in time and make it so that he never did?" Peter asked.

"Peter, we tampered with the stability of spacetime to resurrect countless lives. You want to do it again now just ‘cause yours got messy?" (y/n) asked him, questioning. "This isn’t-- It’s not about me. I mean, this is really hurting a lot of people. My Aunt May. Happy. My best friend, my
girlfriend...their futures are ruined. Just because they know me, and they’ve done nothing wrong." Peter explains.

"I am so sorry. But even if I wanted to...I don’t have the Time Stone anymore." Stephen said, sympathetically, and Peter's hopeful look disappears. "That’s right." He said, deflated, and (y/n) and Stephen give him a sympathetic look. "I’m really sorry if I wasted your time." Peter said to them. "No, you didn’t--" Stephen said as (y/n) shakes her head but Peter talks over him.

"Forget about it." he said while Wong picks up his suitcases. "Oh, he will. He’s very good at forgetting things." Wong remarks. "Wong..." (y/n) said to him, warningly, while Stephen's face lights up, getting an idea. "Wong, you’ve actually generated a good idea." Stephen said and both Wong and (y/n) look over at him, confused.

"What?" They asked. "The Runes of Kof-Kol." Stephen replies. "The Runes of Kof-Kol...?" Peter asked, intrigued. "Oh, it’s just a standard spell of forgetting. It won’t turn back time, but at least people will forget that you were ever SpiderMan." Stephen said and Peter's face lights up with hope again. "Seriously? That would be--" Peter started to say but Wong speaks up.

"No, not seriously." Wong said then he turns to Stephen. "That spell travels the dark borders between known and unknown reality. It’s too dangerous." He warns.

"We’ve used it for a lot less. Do you two remember the full moon party at
Kamar-Taj?" Stephen asked Wong and (y/n). The two turn to each other with confused look then turn back to Stephen. "No..." they said, in unison, shaking their head. "Exactly." Stephen said then he and Peter wait for Wong and (y/n) to relent.

"Come on. Wong....hasn’t he been through enough?" Stephen asked as he nods towards Peter. Wong’s face softens just as a portal opens behind him. "It's not me you have to convince. All I ask is to just leave me out of this." Wong said as he enters the portal. "Thanks, Wong." (Y/n) said, annoyed, as the portal closes.

(Y/n) scoffs then turns to Stephen and noticed him giving her a puppy dog-like look. " know I can't say no to that look." She said as Stephen continues to stare at her as if to say come on, please. She sighs then said. "Alright...fine...but I'm gonna be present for it."

"What? You don't trust me?" Stephen asked, almost in a joking matter. "You, I trust. That spell...not so much." She said and Stephen grins then they turn to Peter. "C'mon, kiddo." (Y/n) said and Peter smiles. Then (y/n) turns to Stephen. "If anything goes wrong, you're sleeping on the couch." She threatens. "C'mon, it's me. Nothing is gonna go wrong." He said. "Famous last words." (Y/n) warns and Stephen rolls his eyes as they head off.

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