🍋Lev x power bottom reader

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Requested by:usernamefieldisempt1

Contains: power bottom, praise kink, slightly shorter male reader, Ridding, and the use of sir

"Lev get your eyes focused will yuh we know you love y/n's ass but FOCUS!!!"

The coach yells at Lev they have a game coming up soon, but they really need you and lev to focus, and the team was also getting distracted by all the yelling It was making you happy but mad as well this shit head can't keep it in his pants for one damn second the team yet Know's about yours and lev relationship and you personally would like to keep it that way but now thanks to this dumbass the team probably knows about you two now.

"Lev just go sit on the bench for a few"



you chuckle and smile then you look over at lev sulking on the floor then looked back over to receive the ball coming your way for some reason lev sulking brought you back to the time you first meet lev.

1 year ago

you were tall and no one really cared to notice you or bother you but occasionally you would get into fights with people who just love to put their two senses into your business the whole school  knew about your sexuality and that was Bisexual you were more gay then bi but either way love is love and some people didn't see that. one day you were walking to the vending machine trying to get the last cranberry juice.

" HEY!"

your look over then looked away grabbing your juice then headed towards the gym for PE that's when the "leader" of the group grabbed your shoulder and slammed you against the wall and shoved his arm at your throat and started to yell at you just looked away ignoring the shit head he went to throw a punch at you then you smiled at him and punched him first he fell back then his friends went in to attack you one landed a punch but you ended up winning that's when lev walked in he looked at you and he felling love your eyes were stunning they looked like a galaxy but this idiot confessed to you before he even got your name.


"no your stupid"

then you walked away with your cranberry juice but he only followed you.

"let me clean your wound's then"

you thought about it and you gave in

"Fine but only because that means I don't have to clean them later"

lev smiled and grabbed your hand and lead you to the nurse to clean your wounds from that day on he kept bugging you until one day you finally said yes just to shut the boy up you never thought of the boy then nothing more then a toy at first then one evening  you had banging on your door you opened it and saw the one boy you didn't want to see.

"what do you want idiot" you said to him


you and lev had gotten into a fight it was a stupid fight but it honestly hurt your feelings you had yelled at him and said hurtful things like you only saw him as a toy in the very beginning and nothing more.

"y/n do you know why I asked you out that day?"

"No, I thought you were just plain stupid"

"Okay that hurt but I asked you out because of your eyes"

"My eyes?"

"Yes, When I saw you all beat up standing strong and the way your eyes had this this galaxy look to them I knew that you where someone I would like no not like LOVE till I get old I know this sound weird but when I looked into those eyes I saw our future together I saw our life flash together I y/n I love yo-"

Haikyuu x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now