☁️Tendou x blind male reader Part 2

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Original request from:

Contains:Fluff, sweetheart tendou, fluff, semi nail spa, cooking

One once said the world becomes more brighter, colorful when you find the person that truly makes you happy, you may not know what colors or what the world looks like, but you know that the sleeping boy next to you brightens up the darkness that you see every day he brings a bright light to your life.

"Tendou?" you said touching Tendou"s arm.

"hmmm" he replies with his eyes closed causing you to chuckle you touched his face and felt around making him move a little once you had found his lips you leaned down and kissed him, he slowly opened his eyes and smiled into the kiss. He pulled you closer deepening the kiss then he pulled away.

"Morning love" he said making your whole face red you jump up falling out of bed, Tendou laughed a little but then picked you up.

"Falling for me I see" you blushed harder you then raised your fist and hit him in the shoulder.

"Okay, okay haha I get it I get it" Tendou laughed as he walks the kitchen.

"Wanna help me cook?" Tendou asked kissing your cheek.

"Tendou I'm blind I can hurt myself"

"nonsense" Tendou said placing you down, he pulled out a cutting board and a knife.

"don't touch the board yet there's a knife" Tendou went to the fridge and pulled out some veggies then placed them down on the cutting board, then he got behind you he grabbed your arms then told you.

"Okay I will help you ill move your arms, okay?"

"I swear Tendou if you leave me and I get hurt you are going to be the one getting hurt HMP" you said as you felt Tendou kiss your cheek.

"I won't I won't I'm not that mean" Tendou said, and you elbowed him in the tummy.

Tendou had you hold the knife as he helped you chop the veggies the two of you were making breakfast when your mom had walked in a smiled big the two of you had faces full of flour from making muffins causing your mother to cry seeing you finally able to do things you couldn't have done. Before you had met Tendou you usually would lock yourself in your room and cry because you couldn't do things you have always wanted to do. But since you have met Tendou he had made sure you did everything you couldn't do, he always made it possible.

"TADAAAAAAA~" Tendou sang as he looked at the food you both made

"It smells really good" you said holding onto his arm

"It looks good too now" Tendou said walking you the table sitting you down he put a plate Infront of you.

"The food is Infront of you love and your fork is to your left and your muffin and napkin is to your right" he told you letting you know where the food is. you went straight for the muffin and took a bite your eyes widen as you ate more of it.

"Itws smooo gmooodddd" you told Tendou and he laughed and ate his food. Once the two of you finished Tendou cleaned up the mess as you walked to the couch, your used to your own home so you know where everything is.

"Tendouuuuuuu" you yelled at him


"Can I paint your nails? "You asked him

"of course, love let me finish the dishes, okay?" Tendou yelled back

"Okayyyyy" you yelled as you sat on the couch


"Okay love I'm done" Tendou sat down next to you

"YAYYYY" you cheered

"so, where is the polish I'll go grab it" Tendou asked

"You will have to get it from my mom" you said

"okay" so Tendou got up and walk to your mom's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in" she yelled, so Tendou opened the door.

"Mrs.l/n may I borrow some nail polish and polish remover?" your mother looked at Tendou confused.

"y/n wants to paint my nails" he told your mom and she smiled.

"Tendou come here for a sec" she asked and Tendou obeyed he walked into the bedroom and looked at your mother.

"Tendou my dear I want to thank you for everything you have done for y/n" Tendou was shocked

"Tendou ever since you came into y/ns life you have done everything for him when I his mother could not you make it possible with him so, please don't leave him he loves you so much Tendou and I as his mother see the way he looks at you even though he can't see you he has that look of love when He's with you"

"ma'am I will never leave your son I love him with all my heart he has brought me up and hasn't once judged me for the way I act he's my light in life Mrs. l/n so please keep letting me stay with your son" Tendou smiled big and bowed.

"Please do Tendou now don't keep my son waiting the nail polish is in the bathroom and so is the remover"

"Thank you" Tendou said walking out and going to the bathroom finding the supplies.

"Jeez what took you so long" you said puffing out your cheeks

"Sorry I was talking to your mom love now let's get started"

Tendou handed you the nail polish he made sure he had a towel under his hand knowing it might get messy. You grabbed his hand and started painting what you thought was his nail you did a good job and Tendou enjoyed seeing you so focused on Painting his nail once you were finished Tendou secretly took the nail polish remover and took off all the spots that wasn't his nail.

"Wow love you did really good"

"Tendou I can smell the polish remover"

"Baby I'm just taking off the messed-up parts so don't worry you only fumbled once" he said kissing your cheek like crazy making you laugh and giggle.

"Okay, Okay, Okay tendouuuuu" you said laughing you grabbed his face and kissed him finding his lips for once he kissed back and held you close. Once he pulled away you took the advantage to tackle him with kisses then stopped.

"Thank you for everything Tendou"

he just looked at you and smiled big he took your hand and made you feel his lips that were up in a huge smile.

"Y/n I love you so much" Tendou said then kissed your hand your heart dropped, overtime he tells you he loves you it always makes your heart skip a beat.

"I love you too Tendou" you told him

IM BACK BAWAWHAHAHAH sorry if this sucks but i hope you all like it- ZERO

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