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Hilda finds herself in trouble with her math homework. But luckily, she has friends at home who can help her solve this problem


3rd Person POV

Hilda lets out another groan for what felt like the fifth time in twenty minutes, but she couldn't help herself. Hilda was having trouble with her homework, and her mum wasn't home to help her

She groaned again but this time she headdesked, and Tontu popped out from a corner "you alright?? You've been for groaning like.. Six times now" he comments, and Alfur appears from his small house to check on her as well

He jumps down from the shelf and notices Hilda's notebook "I'm having trouble with this homework Ms. Hallgrim gave us. And I'm stuck on the first question!" Hilda explains as she slowly lifts her head up. Twig attempts to cheer her up, but it barely does anything

"Well, what is it about?" Alfur asks, taking a peek at what's written down on the paper "we're doing divisions......."
Hilda answers

Tontu pulls up a chair beside Hilda while Alfur stands on her notebook

"We can help you with that!" Alfur says, turning to the first question. Twig rests on the floor beside Hilda's chair

"Forty-five divided by three" Tontu reads out loud before turning his head to Hilda "first off, how many three's are there in a four?" He asks, and Hilda gives him a confused look

"How about this. Raise four of your fingers" Alfur instructs her, and Hilda did what she was told "now, count how many threes you can count in your four fingers" Tontu says

Hilda proceeds to lower three of her raised fingers and one was left behind "there's one" she says

"Great! Now write '1' over there" Alfur says, pointing at the paper

Hilda writes it down "now, multiply the one with the three" Tontu says, and Hilda writes down a three under the four

She then subtracts the two numbers and ends up with a one "now what?" She asks

"Now, you're going to bring down the five over here and turn the one into a fifteen" Tontu tells her "and then, you'll have to repeat the same steps from earlier" Alfur explains

Hilda raises all ten of her fingers "but I don't have fifteen fingers..?" She says in a troubled voice

"Can you count by three's?" Tontu asks her "of course I can" she answers

"Alright. Count how many numbers you'll say until you get to fifteen" Tontu instructs. Hilda looked down at her fist, and does what she was told to do "Three, Six, Nine, Twelve, Fifteen!"

"There's five." Hilda says with not much excitement in her voice "then write down '5' over there" Tontu instructs

Hilda wrote down the five and multiplies it before they could tell her to do so. When the answer turns out to be a zero, she turns to them with a confused look "now what?" She asks

"Well, that's it!" Alfur tells her. A small smile made its way to her face, as she somehow understands it now "so, do you still need help with the rest of the questions?" Tontu asks

Hilda stares back at the remaining problems, and she could've sworn that she suddenly had a headache "um...... Maybe.." she tells them

This went on for two more questions before Hilda decides that she can continue the rest on her own. Tontu and Alfur watched her finish the last two questions with correct answers, and they, of course, praised her for it

"I did it!" Hilda exclaims with a bright smile on her face

"Nice job" Tontu tells her. He gave him a thumbs up "you did excellent, Hilda!" Alfur praises, giving her a small clap

"I'm home!" All of their heads turned towards Hilda's bedroom door. Johanna opens the door and was a bit surprised at the sight

"What's going on here?" Johanna asks

"Oh! Tontu and Alfur helped me with my math homework!!" Hilda stands up from her chair to show Johanna her notebook, and Johanna couldn't help but send the two a thankful smile. The two nodded at her as if they were saying "you're welcome"

"That's nice" Johanna says

Johanna smiled at the thought that even when she's not home, there's still someone who can look after her daughter.




Hi! It's me, the Author :D

This chapter was way better in my head, it's not how I expected it to be, but it's good I guess...

Anyways, thank you for reading this chapter. Bye!! :>

766 words

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