Chapter 9

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Third person POV

A boy, who looked oddly familiar to Taehyung, sat up in bed but instead of the neutral expression Tae had usually held, his held nothing but a look of coldness.

He soon gets up from his bed and walks to his closet. His gallery of clothing held nothing but black and grey which made him smile to himself. He changed into his outfit for the day.

He now wore an all black turtle neck long sleeve, fitted baggy black pants, as well as a plain black jacket to put over it. It all matched perfectly with his pitch black hair.

He smirked to himself, his bright green eyes shining in all their glory in the mirror before heading out

Taehyung woke up with a start. The dream he had about the random guy in his dreams kind of freaked him out and sent shivers down his spine for some unknown reason.

He slid himself out of Yoongi's grip and went to the connect bathroom. There he happened to look at himself in the mirror and couldn't help but notice that he had a black streak in his brown hair.

He frowned to himself and touched it to see if it had been real only to soon find that he definitely was not dreaming it.

He didn't know what to think. So he stared blankly at the mirror in front of him. He didn't feel like himself.

No..something was different and not just the black streak in his hair.

The young idol shook off the weird feeling and left the bathroom after brushing his teeth and freshening up a bit.

Tae jumps when he sees Yoongi waiting on him as soon as he opens the door. " Oh hey yoongi." He greets the older but he shakes his head in response. " what?" Taehyung asks, confused.

" Your hair" Taehyung's eyes widened slightly. " Oh! This..I don't know where it came from. I woke up with it." He answers honestly.

" Hmm alright." Even though they both seem to drop the subject, Yoongi still held a hesitant look on his face.

Taehyung shrugged, leaving the confused alpha and walking pass him to go down the stairs to find the kitchen.

Tae's POV

After many twist and turns in their mansion trying to find the kitchen, I finally ended up getting there even though it took much difficultly.

It seemed like the others were already downstairs except for me and Yoongi. I sat down at the long rectangular table beside Jimin.

As soon as I sat down all the attention had been directed towards me. Jimin, who was the closest to me gave me a confused look just as Yoongi did. I guess he had also noticed the mysterious change in my hair color.

" Hm what's up with your hair? Did you dye it?" I shook my head and shrugged. " I'm not really sure, I woke up with my hair like this." I said and shrugged it off just as I did with Yoongi.

" Well..that's not normal.." He replied as his face scrunched up indicating that he was most likely thinking way harder than he needed to. "'s fine, we'll find it out later, but right now it is entirely too early for us to be using our brains." I said, letting out a small chuckle as I placed a hand on the male's shoulder.

Soon, Jin and Hoseok came into the room with plates of food. They sat them down in a somewhat organized manner and went back before they repeated their previous actions. They stopped after the table was almost filled to the brim with the plates of food.

I grabbed some pieces of bacon from the closest dish to me as well as some eggs and two pieces of toast. There were a lot more options but I was all that hungry yet anyway so I just stuck with a smaller portion for the time being.

Third Person POV

Throughout breakfast the conversations stayed to a minimum. Taehyung managed to finish his food before anyone else since he had the least amount of food on his plate. Meanwhile all the other boys ate like they hadn't been fed in days, the only sound in the quiet room was their forks scraping against the glass dishes.

For some reason every sound almost sounded louder to him and every partial of dust in the air could easily be seen. His vision was altered so that the color of the room blossomed into a more vibrant color.

" Tae, we have a mission to go to soon..Jin will stay with you so you won't be alone." Namjoon suddenly spoke as he placed his plate in the sink. Taehyung hadn't even realized that the older man had got up in the first place. He blinked once and suddenly all of the dust particles and the color of the room went back to normal as it was before. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion before he looked up at Namjoon and shook his head hesitantly.

"Sure..yea okay." He said trying to sound somewhat calm although he couldn't get over the way his heart beat at an abnormal pace after what just happened.

The young male walked back over to the couch and sat down in the middle as he started quite blankly at the television screen that happened to be playing a true crime story at the moment.

He sat there in silent for a moment but couldn't help but wonder..

'What just happened?'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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