Chapter 2

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Y'all I didn't even try on this shit I've been dealing with sm I could barely write anything 😭

After coming from the grocery store, I never really felt the same anymore. Knowing that there's someone out there who can hurt so many people who hasn't been caught yet really messed with me, but it could be far worse, right?

Stepping inside my room, I flop on my bed and layed for about five long seconds before sighing and getting back up. I unplug my phone which had been charging as I was out, and scroll through TikTok to get my mind off of everything.

Upon scrolling about the shortly-timed videos, I found a strange one containing the words "Summoning a creepypasta:"

"too cliché! eight year olds really need to get their heads out of the clouds."

"Before you call me 'weird' for making this video, I have done this myself and I could even record every result from this, but in all respect for said beings, I will not.
In order to summon these Creepypastas, or your desired ones, you'd need a lot of spiritual background first, just in case you don't accidentally hex yourself. Anyways, firstly I'll be telling you the signs if they are stalking you, or at least nearby you at all."

I roll my eyes. "Literally? Who believes this??" I say to myself, almost laughing at the thought.

"You'll see strange signs, you'll notice a lot more crimes around your area even if it's a very rural place. These crimes are usually going to be mysterious, or unsolved.
Another thing is paranoia, you will feel a lot more paranoid like someone's there behind you, watching your every move.
You'll see people in the shadows, even when they're not really there, you'll hear random noises, like objects falling, people giggling in the distance, and sometimes even people running on your roof.
I've experienced quite a lot of these for the past two weeks, and also have caught a strange 'sickness' that no doctor could explain. Randomly, I'd have nosebleeds, see hallucinations, have small seizures when having strong paranoia/feeling a presence, etc."

I scroll down the video, annoyed by it's obvious stupidity. There is no way that that is possible. No way trying to do little spells would cause something like that, it's far too absurd.
A part of me felt a bit off about this, maybe it's just the random murder in my small town and "you'll notice a lot more crimes in your area", but I'm not going to jump into any stupid ideas.

God, I sound like a crazy person.

I look at the time on my phone and notice it's already 8:40 PM.
"It's getting a bit late, I better just go to sleep. Staying up any longer is gonna drive me insane with everything going on..."

I turn the lights off, and make sure to feed my pet betta fish, "bubbles," which had been named by my annoying little sister.
I lay down on my bed, going on YouTube to search up a few quiet songs, including "Jealous" by Eyedress and "Hey kids" by Molina. I soon after fall asleep.

Suddenly, I'm awaken by a screeching outside of the house. It sounded like metal of some sort, being scratched against glass; it sounded a bit too close to my room.

Getting up, afraid of this strange occurrence, I slowly peek my eyes through the blinds, making sure that if there was anyone there, they wouldn't see me; and I was indeed correct.

There was someone, and not just someone, but someone with a knife.


Dragging the knife along the window, letting out small giggles to himself, a man stood.
The moonlight had only illuminated so much of his body; as he wore a light hoodie, from what I could guess dark stains on it as well. It was far too dark for me to tell what it was, or what his face even looked like, but he was almost inhumanly pale.

He looked up, and to the blinds, I'm guessing he noticed my shadow as I quickly moved out of the window's way.
"I can see you, you know."

"Shit. He saw me! He fucking saw me. I'm dead. Goodbye everyone," is all I wanted to scream out, but for god's sake, hell with it.

"What's wrong?...You scared?" The voice was then followed by a manic laughter, as the screeching got only louder and louder.

The screeching stopped, and I had heard the window being fumbled with; he was trying to get in.

I immediately snap out of it, and begin looking frantically around my room for any sort of weapon, and find long, sharp scissors, a hairspray can, and a lighter.

"Why don't you go to sleep? You're probably so tired..."

Two choices, but I wasn't gonna just leave an opportunity for that thing if it managed to get in.
Calling 911 would be far too stupid for me to do, if I just dialed it right here and now, I'd have no time to even defend myself if anything happened, and I don't want to cause harm to my siblings, so I decided it be best to defend myself or at least scare the guy away.

The window is finally opened, that done by being broken by the stranger's knife, I guess you can stab everything.

The stranger begins laughing once again, and holds his knife up before attempting to climb into the room.

"Don't take another fucking step forward," I hold the lighter in front the hairspray can which I held in the other hand, my large scissors being tucked in my back pocket.

"Or else I'll light you on fire."

The stranger let out a small chuckle, though it felt more shaky than before. Was he afraid? No, the man has a knife. No way he'd be afraid of a little fire.

"I've already been there before, no need to do that."

He wielded his knife, attempting to lunge at me, meaning I had no choice but to use the lighter.

I press the lighter, and the hairspray soon after, creating an immediate "flamethrower", pointing it in the man's direction as he immediately backed off and hopped out of the window like a literal fucking anime character.

"dammit!" The stranger stood back and glared at me, looked down and noticed a large rock by the window; taking it and throwing it in my direction as I easily dodged.

"I'll be back soon, don't forget that I almost killed you."

"You didn't lay a finger on me."

"Whatever, idc," he stormed off with his (very much dry) knife, and cursed on his way as he faded away into the darkness of the witching hour.
"damn weirdos, can't do shit nowadays. Slender is gonna be pissed as hell🚶‍♂️"

"What the fuck just happened..." I looked down at the hairspray can in which I used as an improvised weapon, and to the lighter.

"I'm going to have a lot of explaining tomorrow...speaking of tomorrow I have a test I have to study for."

I take out the scissors which had been in my back pocket the entire time, placing them on my desk and check the time on my phone, and notice that it was already 4:45 AM.


Omfg I need help 💀💀

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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