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-Shinsou's POV-

Today was the day I was going undercover. I told the agency the idea. They weren't sure but  agreed. I put on the clothes that I had got for this. I put on black jeans and a white baggy sweater. I put the wig on it was styled as a black hair with an undercut. Once I was fully ready I go and start trying to find this guy

I walk on the side walk keeping an eye out for him.

-An hour later-

It has been quiet. Way to quiet. Charge bolt will steal something like everyday. I hear an alarm go off and that was my que. I speed up a bit to get there faster. I look around but there was no sign of him. Thats what I thought. I look to the side and someone just runs into me

"Ow The hell" I spat out. I look up to be met with golden eyes looking at me. He looks behind himself. He grabs me covering my mouth. He slowly makes his way to a alleyway. "Shhhhh" He says under his teeth. I see the pro hero dynamight run past the alleyways. I hear a sigh of relief and he takes his hand off of my mouth

Welp I found him got that much done. I look over at him. He seems a bit shaken up "Aren't you Gunna run?" He says tilting his head. "uh no" I say shrugging. He looks at me with confusion "Who are you and what is your job?" He asks me. Shit I didn't think of a name. I think for a second then respond "My name is Toshi and I work at some coinvent store" I reply. He nods

"Yours?" I ask "Charge Bolt and I'm a villain. Ring a bell?" He says kind of concerned. "I know who you are I'm not stupid" I say rolling my eyes. "Says the one who is talking to villain" He says under his breath. "Any who see you whenever I guess" He says with a shrug and starts to walk off. This is Gunna be more difficult then intended 

He looks back at me and squints his eyes at me. "you look familiar" He says. Shit. "What?" I say sounding a bit nervous. "you look like mind jack" He says stepping more farther from me. Shit shit shit shit. crap think Hitoshi Think! "I don't get much sleep" I say "What's with people not getting sleep" He says

I shrug. "well Toshi why not we meet up soon unless of course you report me" He says simply "Sure" I say. Something is working out at least. "uhhhh why not we meet in the woods Tomorrow at 2PM by the tallest tree" He says with a smile. This could be a trap but what other choice do I have 

"I mean sure I guess" I say with a shrug "See you later Toshi" He says waving running off. I got somewhere at least. 

This is the beginning for this plan

I head back to the agency to report on what is going on. Once I enter I remove the wig and get in my hero outfit. I go into the meeting room getting met with some of the other pro's. "What is it mind fuck" The pro hero known as dynamight aka Bakugou says. "First of all it's mind jack second I have a report about my mission" I say calmly. He scoffs and lets me keep going "I'm going to the woods to meet him" I say

"What if it's a trap?" The pro hero red riot aka Kirishima points out. I shrug. "K bye" I say not wanting to deal with anything else. That didn't fucking work out for me. I hear another alarm "Mind fuck your villain boyfriend is stealing again!" I groan walking over to bakubitch "He is not my boyfriend and can't you just do it?" I ask "No dumb ass just go!"

I sigh of annoyance and start running to where he had robbed once again. Once i get to the location I see him waiting there again "Really again?" I say clearly annoyed. He chuckles slightly "I thought you would never show" He says shrugging "Thought wrong bitch" I say. I am really tired of this shit

"That's nice to know" He says calmly. I let out a sigh "let me guess this is the part where you run off" I say rolling my eyes "Guess so" He says. Something was off. "Really no weird flirting no pick up lines?" I ask "No" He says simply

"Is it true?" I say sneaking up behind him. He jumps slightly. He shrugs. "is it true that you go stupid when you use your quirk to much" I ask. "I'm not stupid!" He yells at me . Found a weak spot. I nod slightly "Goodbye mind jack" He says firmly and simply runs off

Something happened considering on how he is flirty and crap. I see something shining from the ground. I slowly walk over to it and bend down and grab it and stand straightly as I look at it. It was a golden coin with silver designs on it. I realize that I just let him go

I sigh. Why should I care about a villain that I've been trying to catch since forever! I put the coin in my pocket and head back to the agency. 

I arrived and everyone just stared at me some with worry others looked concerned. I look at them confused. "You ok man you look like your about to throw up" Kirishima says tilting his head slightly "I'm fine" I say as I walk away. I get changed out of my hero outfit and head to my apartment 

I got back home seeing my little cat named Lilly. I patted her head and went to go get her some food. After that I sit down on the couch and turn on the TV. First thing I see is the news witch is full of shit right now. I rest my chin on my hand watching some random show

And then I slowly start to drift off to sleep

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