Bartok the Raven

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Loki stood there, his green magic emanating from his body like smoke rising from a fire. The clawed hands holding Loki's arms so tightly it made him drop his daggers. Loki pulled his arms away as best as he could but to no avail. He heard a low, shallow, raspy voice speak.

Bartok: Loki.....son of Odin, prince of Asgard, I am glad to see you.

Loki: Who are you?

Bartok: I am Bartok, one of Odin's ravens. he has banished me to Midgard. I have lived in this forest for millennia, with no one to talk to. Forgive me if I have frightened you.

Loki: Bartok? Is it really you? Come into the light so that I may see you.

Bartok stepped out from behind the tree and stood there for Loki to feast his eyes upon this glorious creature.

Loki: BARTOK! It is you! I thought you were dead! I haven't seen you since I was a child!  Why has Odin banished you here?

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Loki: BARTOK! It is you! I thought you were dead! I haven't seen you since I was a child! Why has Odin banished you here?

Bartok: I questioned his reason behind letting his other ravens do what they wanted, followed their own will! Once I stood up to him, he banished me along with another one of his glorious creatures that he said was evil, but he was not! A wolf, only a puppy at the time. My pup!

Loki: I remember these other ravens! How I hated them both! But only one had survived now and he has become a trusted friend. He will be so happy to know you're alive and well.

Bartok: Munnin is dead?

Loki: Yes! Only Huggin remains. I am searching for my son. A witch by the name of Vivian has tooken him.

Bartok: Vivian, from Gelmheim? The one who seduced Odin and almost you and Thor into making Asgard fall?

Loki: The very same.

Bartok: I have heard stories my prince. She is here in Midgard!

Loki: What have you heard? Tell me.

Bartok: She is living in New York, in a small apartment near an underground tunnel. And I.....shhh you hear that?

Loki: Yes, someone is out there.

Bartok: I shall fly I to the sky to see who I find. Stay close to the fire and your back against the tree, I shall return!

Bartok took flight as Loki once again conjured up his daggers and stood his ground. His friends were also alerted to the sound of Bartok's wings rushing into flight. They saw Loki in his war stance with daggers in hands. They stood up with their weapons and surrounded Loki.

Creeping through the dense forest was the sound of heavy footsteps breaking every branch and crunching every leaf in its path

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Creeping through the dense forest was the sound of heavy footsteps breaking every branch and crunching every leaf in its path. Their senses were heightened and all were ready to fight whatever was coming around the corner. They could see a glimmer of something shiny in the distance. The fire causing the object to shine. It moved closer and closer to the team. Soon Loki could see what it was, it came into view with the brightness of the amor shining brightly.

Loki: THOR! Damn it brother you scared us!

Thor: I apologize Loki. Stand down all.

Loki: Thor, I have some news!

Thor: Have you found Vivian and the baby?

Loki: No, but I have been told her whereabouts, and I intend on going and grabbing her by the throat and.....

Thor: Loki, we will find her! And we will get Locusious back from that devil woman and we shall raise our sons together.

Loki: That's not all Thor, Bartok is alive!

Thor: Bartok? Father's Raven? How is that possible? Only Huggin and Munnin were the last.

Loki: Father banished him, along with his pet Wolf pup. He's here. He is in the sky as we speak. BARTOK! Come down.

Bartok come flying down and landed with a large thud right next to Thor! He towered over Thor, his wing span was long and large. His beautiful purple and grey wings opened and spread out towards the heavens. Thor looked up at Bartok in amazement, with a large smile on his face.

Thor: Hello Bartok!!! So good to see you my friend!

Bartok: Thor, first born of Odin! You have grown into a man! I am so glad to see you. Although I must say, I would like to go home to Asgard but I am not allowed thanks to your father!

Thor: If I had know your were alive, you would've came home the minute my father was dead.

Bartok: He's dead?

Thor: Yes, for years now. If only I had known my friend. I am so sorry. Will you come home now?

Bartok: Yes, but only after we find the young prince. Thank you Thor. Or should I say King Thor?

Thor: My friend will be fine. Loki, shall we find Locusious?

Loki: Thought you'd never ask!

Loki: Thought you'd never ask!

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