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The gang all took a seat, weather it was on the ground in the soft grass or upon a rock, they made themselves comfortable to hear what Lily had to say.

Lily: Do you remember the day Thor cut out Locusious from my stomach? Well Thor didn't exactly follow through with the burial. I was left outside when Thor ran into Loki's room to help him. I had heard one of the guards talking about the raven Bartok that had been banished long ago by Odin, and how they had him imprisoned to break him and torture him. They talked about what a good raven he was and how they were going to break him one day! Punishment for having a good heart like Huggin and disobeying the All Father. I cried. To know how dreadful your fathers rein must of been! I vowed to find him and release him. They didn't seem to care that I was still alive. They left me in the sun to burn and rot. When nightfall came I was forgotten. I managed to gather enough strength to carry myself to where they were keeping Bartok. I snuck my way into the dungeon and happen to find Bartok in the cell farthest from anything and everything. The last cell that was hidden away from all the normal cells. I was able to break open the lock with my magic. When I stumbled in, I saw him. His wings had been torched and burned. His body beaten and bruised and tortured! He had no hope, No life left  in him. He was terrified when I walked into the cell. He curled up into a little ball and began begging me not to hurt him. I told him I was a friend, and I was here to release him if he would help me in return. He didn't believe me at first, but I proved myself to him the minute a royal guard came into his cell with the intent torture him more. And Thor I'm sorry i know that you are now the king but I killed two of your guards. They were going to hurt Bartok and I was not about to let them. They hurt him enough. When I killed them, Bartok realized my intentions were real. I gave him some of my magic in order ti heal him as much as I could spare. We both walked out of the dungeon and snuck out and went over the wall. I felt so bad for him. My heart broke for him. I was able to sneak him into the woods and we talked for awhile before he passed out. I was able to conjure up an invisible shelter for him and I took his form. I did tell him before he passed out my plans. I planned on using his form in order to get close to Vivian and in order to not cloud Loki's mind. If you had known I was alive my love, your mind would've been clouded with emotion and I needed you to be strong. For our son! Please tell me that you all understand why I did what I did, in order to save Bartok, to save Eve and Locusious and everyone else.  Forgive me for what I have done. Thor? Loki?

Thor: As king, it is the penalty of death should anyone maliciously kill my royal guards.



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Thor: BUT.....I know you did it to save a friend, and if I have any guards on my watch that treat anyone this way or still follow my fathers rule, I will gladly dispatch them myself. I will not allow this treason and treachery under my command.

Loki: Thank you brother. My darling, come sit by me.

Locusious: Father wait. Answer me one question "Lily".  I believe you owe me an answer at least!

Lily: Anything my son.

Locusious: May I call you mother and have a hug?

Lily: Oh my son, of course you may!!

Lily ran up to Locusious and gave him a huge hug. Locusious held his mother tightly and they both cried into each  others arms . Loki's heart was full and content.

Loki: I think we better head home. Shall we call Heimdall brother?

Thor: Yes, Eve, Locusious, I cannot wait to show you Asgard. You will both love it!  HEIMDALL!!

With that the group was transported to Asgard.  Eve and Locusious looked at their surroundings and were dumbfounded. They walked over the rainbow bridge and headed into the palace. They settled in for the night and awaited the next morning. Eve couldn't wait to meet her little brother and had so many questions for Thor about his wife and her little brother. Locusious was in the same spot as Eve. But he was tired and knew the questions could wait till morning. Although Lily was tired and ready for rest, she had Loki help her with bringing Bartok home. They went out into the forest in the darkness to find Bartok. What they found made them cringe in horror. Bartok was gone, but a single message was left in his blood.....
"Lilian of Gelmheim, you have killed my beloved and I have your raven. I am coming for you"

 I am coming for you"

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