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Your pov
"The doctor said that's you could leave today if you feel 100% better!" The nurse says "yes I feel 100% better can I go home now?" I say "of course we're gonna get you in a wheelchair" the nurse says goins to get a wheelchair. "You're finally going home baby" Sammy says while kissing my forehead. "I know I'm so glad" I say as the nurse comes back in. "Let me take all these wires off of you, Hun" the nurse says while she takes them off. "Is this your brother or boyfriend?" The nurse asks while still taking wires off "boyfriend" I say while sammy has this big grin on his face. "My name is sammy, sammy wilkinson." Sammy says still smiling "nice to meet you mr wilkinson! Can you pick up miss y/l/n and put her in the wheelchair?" The nurse asks "of course!" Sammy says while picking me up bridal style and sitting me in the wheelchair. "YALL are free to go" the nurse says smiling. Sammy wheels me out the door, in the elevator, and outside the doors. "We don't have a car." I say looking up at him. He cusses under his breath "I'll call Nate" sammy says getting his phone out.
(Sammys pov)
I call Nate and he finally picks up.
Nate: wassup sam
Sammy: I need a favor bro
Nate: anything
Sammy: I need you to pick me and my girl up from the hospital
Nate: gotcha
-he hangs up-
I sit down on a bench facing y/n "you're so beautiful" I say looking in her eyes "I probably stink, I haven't taken a bath all week" she says as we both laugh "it's okay I haven't either" I say smiling "shut up" y/n says laughing "I'm serious" I say chuckling. I see Nate driving up so I get up and wheel y/n to his car. I open the door and put her in there and throw the wheel chair in the back seat and I sit up front.
-your Pov-
I lay down in the back seat and slowly fall asleep. I get woken up and see that were at my house "thanks skate" sammy says getting out of the car "anytime bro" Nate says. Sammy picks me up and i pretend to sleep he grabs the wheel chair trying to keep holding me. Nate gets out of the car and runs over to us. "Here I got her" Nate says taking me and putting me on my couch. "Thanks" sammy says going inside "no problem" Nate says while getting in the car and driving off.

Your pov
I still pretend I'm sleeping on the couch so sammy can do something sweet to me. Is that wrong ahah nah.
I hear him opening the fridge and I slightly open my eye to see what it is and its ice cream. Birthday cake ice cream, my favorite. We had that on our first date I guess you could call it a first date. I watch him get like 10 scoops of ice cream then he puts up the bucket and starts walking over to me so I quickly close my eyes. I hear him eating a few bites then setting it down. "Baby wake up" Sammy whispers. I just stay asleep. He kisses my lips and then I wake up and kiss him back. "I'm awake" I say smiling. "I fixed you some ice cream" Sammy says handing me the bowl "thanks babe" I say "you finally called me babe!!!" Sammy says jumping and we both laugh "cause you are my baby" I say smiling "and you are mine" he says kissing my cheek. Sammy turns on the tv and I start Eating my ice cream "you want some?" I ask "yeah but I'll go fix me a bowl" Sammy says "wait. Open your mouth" I say giggling. Sammy opens his mouth and I feed it to him. "Babe you are too cute" he says laughing. He gets up and gets some ice cream then comes back and sits on the couch "so what do you want to watch?" I ask while scrolling through the channels "KEEPING UP WITH THE KARDASHIANS" he yells out "okay I haven't seen this one yet" I say laughing "me either" Sammy says as I cuddle up to him. We watch the Kardashians for 5 hours straight and then I hear my dad come home. "Hey sweetie" he says walking towards me "hey daddy" I say kissing his cheek "do yAll need some private time" he says moving his eyebrows up and down "dad be quiet" I say laughing "hello mr. Y/l/n im Sam wilkinson" Sammy says shaking my dads hand "well hello I've heard many things about you" my dad says. He looks down at me "HES a gentleman too nice pick y/n" my dad says and I start laughing "well I'm about to go back to work I just had to get some lunch" my dad says "okay I love you daddy" I say as he is getting some chips "I love you too darling. Be safe" he says laughing "dad.." I say laughing "I'm serious bye honey" he says as he walks out the door. "I love your dad" Sammy says laughing
I changed the channel to the news and see a breaking report a robber is lose and his last target was my neighbor hood. I hear the back door open and a voice say "give me the girl, or say goodbye" holding up a gun to sammys head.
What's going to happen to Sammy and y/n???

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