his eyes

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I sat at a table in a fancy restaurant waiting for my my date to arrive. I look around the restaurant then back to my phone. No answer. Where is he? Don't tell me I got stood up. Well I guess I should go.

As I get up from my seat I turn around to see a man sitting alone as well. He was wearing a black button up with a couple of buttons open to expose his chest. His hair was long and luscious and his eyes oh my god those eyes. A beautiful dark brown. His eyes alone made him all the more attractive.

He looked over to me and I realized I was staring. I look away instantly his gaze becoming to strong for me to stand. God this man was so fucking attractive.

I look back for a instant and notice his eyes look up and down my body then back to my eyes. I smirk. He lifts his hand signalling me to come over. "Sit" he says. I walk over and sit in the chair across from him. He adjusted in his chair still looking straight at me. "Your one attractive woman" he says picking up the glass of alcohol he was drinking.

I look down at his hands. They had veins and he had silver rings covering his fingers. I also notice a tatoo on his wrist. I'm such a sucker for hands. I sat there thinking what kinda stuff can he do to me with them.

"What's a girl like you doing sitting in here all alone?" He asks. "I got stood up" I say honestly. "Well that guys and idiot, your the most beautiful girl I've ever layed my eyes on" I start to blush a little.

He calls the waiter over. "Can you get this lovely lady whatever she pleases" The waiter looks over to me well more like down a little bit at my boobs. "Um I'll have a cocktail" I say and the waiter leaves. He seems a little irritated with where the waiter eyes were.

"So what's your name?" I ask looking back into his eyes. "Michael...and you?" "Y/n" "What a beautiful name."

We talked for at least and hour about random things and I never got bored. His voice was so deep. Out of no where he said, "Let's get out if here" I stand up and we walk out together with his hand wrapped around my waist.

"My apartments pretty close wanna head there?" I just look up at him I didn't even notice how tall he was untill now. I nod in response to his question.

We walk in the door. The place was stunning. Modern. The kitchen was incredible a black marble counter top sat atop the island with white cabinets all around with silver accents as well as hardware decorating it.

He walks toward me. Putting his arms around my waist he looks into my eyes. "I didnt like the way that guy stared at you I want you all to myself." Before I knew it our lips crashed together. I felt his hands move down to my ass. He picked me up putting me on the counter never breaking the contact of our lips.

He stops and looks at me. He moves my hair away from my face. "Do you want this?" He asks. "Yes" I say. "Are you sure?" I pull his shirt closer to me. "Please fuck me" I moan in his ear.

With that he moves his hands down my waist moving my dress up more and more. He lays me down on the counter top and kisses down my neck and chest leaving marks everywhere.

He moves between my legs and kisses my inner thigh inching closer and closer. He looks up at me and I can't help but buck my hips up. I need to feel him. I need it. He slaps my thigh. "Such a fucking slut" He starts rubbing my clit through my underwear. I moan uncontrollably the name he called me only pushing me over the edge.

"How bad do you want it?" He says looking up at me again. I don't answer him to focused on how good he was making me feel without even being in me yet. He stops and moves up he grabbing my neck. "I said how bad do you want it slut" "I want it so bad." He pushes 2 fingers in me while rubbing my clit with his thumb. He goes faster and harder each time. "Fuckk pleasee d- don't stop." I keep moaning louder and louder. He puts his hand over my mouth.

"Don't scream too much the neighbors might think your getting killed." He says chuckling a bit. He lets go and moves down. He uses his tounge to flick my clit while still fingering me. I pull his hair. I feel my stomach start to tighten. "I-i'm go- gonna cum" He licks all of it up. "You taste so fucking good" "I can't fucking wait to feel that tight pussy around me."

He helps me off the counter and I push him onto the couch. I get on top of him and start grinding on his lap. I feel his bulge rising. I kiss his neck while pulling up at his shirt. He unbuttones it the rest of the way and I stare at his chest I put my hand against it. He grabbes my face and started making out with me grabbing my hair. The kiss was long I almost passed out from not being able to breath.

I move my hand down grabbing his cock through his pants. I slowly move down kissing down his chest untill I was on my knees in front of him. He lifts my face to look into his eyes. "Let me ruin that pretty little face of yours." He says not breaking eye contact for a moment. I pull down his pants then his boxers.

I was in shock at his size. I licked the tip looking back up at him then licked along the side kissing my way back up. He groans. "Stop fucking teasing me brat." I put it in my mouth pushing it as deep as I could. He grabs my hair and pushes me further. I start to gag and choke. "Take it all down your throat my little slut." I go deeper till it all was in my throat. He holds my head down for a couple seconds. "Fuckk" I feel tears at the corners of my eyes. I look up at him again going faster and faster. I bat my eyelashes looking into his eyes. "Such a good girl taking all this dick"

He releases in my mouth. I swallow and look up at him again. He grabs me and puts me on the couch. I turn around and arch my back for him. He slaps my ass. "Mmm" I moan. "You want this dick so bad don't you." He says pushing my back down further into the couch. "Why don't you tell me how bad you want it" "Fuck me untill I can't walk untill I forget my name fuck me so hard daddy" He slaps my ass again but harder.

He pushes it in slowly giving me a second to adjust to his size. "your so big" I moan out. He starts moving in and out faster grabbing onto my waist. "fuck baby you feel so good." "F-faster" I scream out. He grabs my hair and goes faster. I moan into the cushion with every stroke.

He begins getting messy with each stroke signalling he was close. He pulls out and cums all over my ass.

"Fuck that was so good" I fall onto the couch completely out of energy. "Stand up" He commands. I try to stand but instantly fall onto the couch. He laugh. "Awe you can't walk now" He says while chuckling. I try to stand again but fall on top of him. I wrap my arms around him. He puts my clothes on then his and lays behind me we both cuddle falling asleep instantly...

(1400 words)

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