control pt.1

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The tv screen flickered sending vibrant lights throughout the room. I pulled the sheets then the comforter up over my torso. Getting more comfortable in the dark peaceful room.

I was home alone at the moment and my boyfriend was still at work in the office. He often stayed late on Tuesdays like this one. So I usually felt kind of lonely for the couple of hours he was still at work. My favorite show was playing on the t.v. but I wasn't really paying attention to it.

Instead I laid there thinking about my boyfriend. Some of those thoughts were a little out of control. I tried to think of other things but my mind kept drifting back to those sinful and lustful thoughts.

The more I thought the more excited I got for him to return. I couldn't stop thinking my mind was running laps.

I started to think of different things than the usual. Picturing myself having control. Me on top of him pinning his arms over his head. Watching him suffer. Having him begging and pleading for me to help him. Pushing his limits getting him close then stopping in an instant. Begging to reach that climax.

Before I knew it my hand slid down between my legs. I started to touch myself slow at first but then getting faster. Picturing his head between my legs pleasing me doing what I ask. His eyes glancing up at me. Those same eyes I see every day but filled with lust, desire, and hunger.

"Fuckk" I mutter to myself feeling myself getting close. I close my eyes and shove my head back.

I hear the door open. "Why right noww" I think to myself. It feels so good I can't stop. The footsteps get louder. I hear the door knob twist open but I didn't move my hands I didn't hide my actions.

He looks up and down at me. Spread across the bed so close to my climax. "Oh baby you couldn't wait a little longer for me." He set down his stuff and walked closer to me.

He looked down at me staring into my eyes. I needed him. "Pathetic" He said chuckling. "Look at you laying on this bed bare...all for me." He puts his hand on my neck then grips it. Then he slaps me not hard but enough for it to sting a little.

"Only I can touch you...No matter how horny you get you always will wait for me." I nod in response. "good fucking slut" He moves his hand down to my pussy pushing 2 fingers in hard and fast. God his fingers felt so good. They filled places that mine could never.

He goes even faster my body shivers. "Oh my fuckingmh god please don't stop" I arch my back pushing him deeper into me. I feel pressure in my lower abdomen. I cum all over his fingers.

He leaves the room cleaning off his fingers. "Did I say you could cum" He says rolling his eyes. "N- no but I couldn't wait any longer." "I don't care your gonna learn to wait whore." "Okay daddy." I say looking in his direction. His facial expression changes.

He unbuttons his work shirt and takes it off revealing his tattoos and his fit chest and arms. I stare at him then he walks back over to the bed. "We arnt done here." He says lifting my chin. He then puts his hands on his belt getting it unfastened. I put my hand over his and stop him.

I unbuckle his belt and slowly pull it out of its position. I look up at him. "Ca- can we do something different." I say putting my hand on his arm. He looks down. I grab his other arm and put the belt around them both. I tighten it around his wrists keeping his hands locked together. "S-ure" He says his whole demeanor changing he seemed kind of nervous which I've never seen in this kind of setting.

I pull him onto the bed. I run my hand down his chest then back up to his face cupping it in my hand. I then get on top of him putting his arms above his head holding them down. I put my hand on his neck kissing him on the lips then moving down his neck to his chest leaving marks all the way down.

I start to grind myself against his dick. Not so much for my satisfaction but more for his. He groans. His pants weren't even off and I was getting this kind of reaction. I grinded harder and faster. "Uhh fuckk"..."Baby that feels so good.." He grunts. I stop.

He looks at me like he needs something. The look itself was intoxicating to say the least. "Let me feel that pussy." He says. I smile. "Umm..." I say while putting my hand on his dick. I squeeze it. He moves beneath me. I put my face above his grabbing his chin.

"Stick your tounge in my pussy first." "Anything you want princess" He says looking to the side he had a look of shame and embarrassment on his face embarrassed that I was telling him what to do...controlling him. "Look at me when I speak to you" I say pushing his face toward me. "Yes master."

"Such a good boy.." I untie his wrists pulling the belt off and stare into his eyes. It was all finally coming true. He moves down between my legs and looks up at me. The sight gets me more wet. He pulls off my red laced thong and throws it to the side. Then he kisses my inner thighs and looks at me again. "This is turning me on way more then it should.." He speaks his voice getting deeper.

I move my hand down and play with his hair. "Stick out your tounge" He does as I command and starts licking my clit he never breaks eye contact which drove me crazy. He started to go faster then he put his tounge inside of me at this point he was practically fucking me with it.

The sight the feeling everything it drove me crazy. "Fuckk mm just like that" I scream throwing my head back. I grab his hair making him go faster. He grips on my thighs hard enough to leave red marks. I could feel myself getting close to that same high i felt just a short time ago.

He groans. He was enjoying this almost as much as me. I couldn't believe it. He reached up grabbing my boob he squeezed it then went faster then before with his tounge he used his thumb to mess with my clit at the same time.

The feeling of it all sent me into a state I could only describe as euphoria it didn't even feel real. My legs begun shaking my eyes rolled to the back of my head. How could a man make me feel this good.

Finally I snap back into reality i see him get up he lays in the bed next to me. "I never seen you like this before" He says looking into my eyes. I giggle then kiss him on the forehead.

He looks down. "We should probubly get you cleaned up" I grab his hand. "Let me please you" I say squeezing his hand. He smiles. "Are you sure you could handle more" "I want to feel you inside of me" I say looking back into his eyes now my eyes were the ones filled with lust, greed.

He picks me up and takes me to the bathroom setting me on the counter and kissing my neck. "In that case" He says stopping to kiss me on the lips before speaking again. "Let's take a shower...."

To be continued...

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