Chapter 4

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"So where are we going?" you flutter your eyelashes at me as soon as I get in the car,

"I already told you."

"No, you said it's a surprise."


You stare at me, expecting me to cave, instead I stare back for a moment, then pinch your nose.

"Ouch! What was that for?"

"Pushing. Don't worry about it, I'm gonna knock your socks off."

"Aw, come on, that's what we did last night." You lean over the console, kissing my neck under my ear, making me shiver,

"Hey, now, I really do have plans for us, but if you just want to—"

"No," you laugh, "let's go... where again?"

"To the surprise. Nice try though." You roll your eyes at me and buckle up, as we take off.

I pull up in front of a little bookstore and tell you to stay put as I run around to open the door for you.

"A bookstore?" you look at me, "you brought me to a bookstore for a date?" I freeze for a moment. My smile falls and I think back, trying to figure out what I misunderstood, then you throw your arms around me, "Best. Boyfriend. Ever!" And you pull me in for a kiss before tugging me inside.

"So, we're not just here to look at books." You quirk an eyebrow at me as I pull post-its and two pens from my pocket. "I read somewhere about someone who would go to bookstores and leave notes in their favorite books. They can tell the reader about your favorite part, offer criticism, or recommend other books like it. It sounded like something you would like..." I trail off, feeling like the idea was cheesier than I originally thought when I said it out loud. But then you took a pen and half the post its,

"That is amazing. Like, beyond amazing, but I feel like I should warn you, I may want to make this a regular thing." I smile, relieved, and kiss the top of your head,

"Any time you want, babe."

We spent the next two hours writing notes and discreetly sticking them in books we'd read. I could tell when you found the Sci-Fi section, because every time I turned around you were either raving about or roasting a book. One was too weird and the characters were one-dimensional, another had bizarre relationships, like sister-wife; then there were the ones that you could quote because of having read them so many times. I offered to buy a couple of them for you, but every time I offered, it ended up being one you already owned.

"Okay, now, you're making me seem like a bad boyfriend here." You cock your head at me, confused, "You won't let me buy you anything."

"You don't have to buy me anything." You laugh,

"Maybe I want to, though. I just can't because it seems like you already own all the good books in the store."

"Don't worry about it, Evans. Buying things is not a requirement of a relationship, or a good date." You punch my shoulder playfully and as soon as you turn away I pull you backwards into a bear hug, making sure my beard scrapes along your neck, making you squeal.

"Do I have to turn the hose on you two?" My friend calls from the front counter,

"No, Reggie, we're cool." I say, quickly letting you go.

"Sorry, Reggie. We'll behave." You call back to him, turning back to the main event of our date. It was a small store, so the selection was pretty thin, but you still managed to find over a dozen books to leave notes in and I finally noticed you were hanging on to one of them. Every time you wrote another note, you would take a look at it, flipping through the pages, like you were deciding if you wanted to put it back.

I wrote a few notes, but then just sat back and watched you as you got absorbed in your task. I know how much you love books, and I love watching your eyes light up when you talk about them. You get worked up about your favorite character, share theories on an arc you got lost in, recommend books that you thought should be in the same genre or you felt were overlooked and managed to fly under the radar. I love how passionate you get about the things you love, and watching you write a particularly long note, I realize something,

"Unfortunately, I did actually make reservations for dinner tonight, and we have to get going to make it in time. Did you find something you wanted?" You glance at the book you've been holding back one more time, deliberating.

"Nah." You slip it back onto its shelf,

"You sure? If you want that one, I'll get it for you," I try to grab for it, but you catch my hands,

"No, it's fine. I've heard of it, but I'm not sure I actually want it."

"You'll never know if you don't try it." I say with a wink, but you pull me toward the door before I can grab it,

"Come on, let's just go to dinner." we nod our goodbyes to Reggie, an old friend of mine, who just waves, chuckling and shaking his head as you pull me out the door,

"So, are you at least gonna tell me where we're going for dinner?" I kiss your forehead and open your car door for you,

"Just get in."

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