Chapter 4 - Lanterns

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As I stood out in the crowd of people, the area was dimly lit, and the chatter of excited people filled the room. At least that was the case before the lights shined on the stage, and a certain girl with brown hair stepped on stage, showing off a bright smile.

After a while with the two of us living our normal lives, Iori told me that she had a live performance coming up, and so I made sure to get tickets ahead of time. Iori seemed happy when I told her, and said she expected me to tell her my thoughts when it was over.

As the music started and Iori started to sing and dance, I saw people holding up glowsticks and moving them to the rhythm of the song. Iori herself was really amazing, but her on the shining stage, with a dim sea of people in front of her lit by those glow sticks, lit something inside me for the first time in six months. It birthed an image in my mind for something that I'm inspired to paint, rather than painting to try and force myself through my slump. I never knew that idol concerts were this amazing, but seeing her up there, and the imagery I saw, was so much more amazing than I ever expected.

When the concert eventually came to an end, I waited a minute before starting to leave so I wouldn't get caught in the flow of people quite as much, my mind wandering and ironing out more details on what I wanna do for this new idea of mine.

However, as I finally left, staying off to the side of all the crowds, I bumped into a man with short black hair and glasses, and as it dawned on me where I'd seen him before, I said "Wait, aren't you Iori's producer?" I mean I'd only seen him once, when Iori was doing an interview at the house.

He looked at me for a minute and said "I'm not the one that produces Ryuuguu Komachi but I do look after her otherwise. Do I know you from somewhere?"

"At the Minase household. She was doing an interview, and as I tried to sneak by you saw me." I said

"Right, I thought I knew you from somewhere. So you're the Y/n that she mentions... it's nice to meet you." he said

"Mentions? Does she talk about me much?" I asked

"Not too often, but there have been a couple times she has." he said before adding "Nothing bad of course."

"Alright, cool. It's nice to meet you too. When you check on her next, mind telling her that she blew me away?" I said

"I could do that, but if you want, I could take you to see her in person." he said

"You sure? Isn't she busy right now or something?" I asked

"It's fine." he said "So how about it?"

"Sure, I'd love to." I said

After her producer finished what he was doing, he guided me backstage to a room that was labeled dressing room. He knocked on it and said "You girls were great out there! And Iori, there's somebody here to see you."

A moment later I heard Iori call out from the other side "They can come in."

Knowing the tropes, I gave it a couple extra seconds before turning the knob and entering the room, seeing Iori in her casual clothes alongside a girl with short, dark blue hair, and another with brown hair in a side ponytail, I guess they've already changed

"Y/n? How did you get back here? You better not have bothered the producer." Iori said

"Don't worry, I just ran into him on my way out, and after talking to him he offered to bring me to tell you what I thought in person." I said

The girl with dark blue hair looked at me and said "So you're Y/n? It's nice to meet you, I'm Azusa Miura."

The girl with the side ponytail then added "And I'm Ami Futami!"

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