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It began the day I was born. A drug baby. Both of my parents were addicts as teenagers and they decided to start up again right after my mom got pregnant with me. Anyways, I was born into a fairly normal family (besides the drugs of course). I had 3 brothers: Hunter, Jarrid, and Mason. Jarrid was the oldest, Mason the second oldest, Hunter the middle child, me the youngest. My life started changing when I was 2 and my mom cheated on my dad. They tried to stay together but they got a divorce when I was three. My dad left and so did my mom and my brothers. Abandoned at the age of three. Sucks right? Having to raise yourself. Not that my mom would have done a better job herself. She started drug dealing, drinking, stripping, and taking drugs. My brothers all left to go live with their friends. I had absolutely no one. Well, I can't say no one. My dog was always there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. If you haven't figured this out already, this is a book about my screwed up life and how it lead to my totally screwed up self. Believe it or not, all of these things are 100% true. That's it for chapter one (it's 11 o'clock and I have exams tomorrow), but I will have longer chapters coming soon.

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