Chapter 30

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Sitting on the sofa in our living room I eyed the man who had his full concentration and attention on my wife. He was the man which dad has chosen for Jieun. Fucking disgusting. He was in my house eye fucking my wife in front of me! The audacity. He doesn't even know I have noticed him he is that much attracted to my wife. Even I am sitting beside her, one hand on her thigh. He had completely ignored everyone, just watching the moments on my wife.

He would lick his lips, rub his hands and breathe heavily a clear sign that my wife is turning him on. He sat straight and I noticed the bulge in his pant and that was enough for me to stand up and throw a punch on his face yet I controlled myself. I got up and said, "Why don't we get to know each other Edward?" He flinched hearing my sudden voice because he knows that I caught him staring at my wife. He nodded and laughed nervously, "Y-Yeah sure."


Going up in the terrace I made him sat down and gave him a glass of whiskey. He was sweating badly. I chuckled at his reaction and said, "Drink up." He gulped the glass and chocked on it. Who thinks he can drink whiskey as water? "What happened? Why are you so nervous. Calm down." I said and gave him a napkin. I motioned a guard to bring me an another whiskey glass for me. I drank up and said, "I know what you were doing downstairs." He froze on his spot as those words came out of my mouth.

"I-I am s-sorry I..... J-just ...can't, I mean." He found hard get words out of his mouth. I cut him off by a chuckle and said, "You shutter more than my children, Edward. They can communicate far better than you." I drank up the remaining whiskey and smashed it into thousands of pieces. He as well as my other guards who were there flinched badly hearing the sound of glass breaking.

I grabbed him from his collor and jerked him towards the railing. I banged his head twice so hard that it left a bent of my hard iron railing. "Of course it isn't your fault to not to control when you see someone so fucking sexy like my wife. But you fucking need to." I banged his head again with such a force that the iron completely break down. Holding him from his hairs I made him face towards me, he just need a punch from me to die, I have that much strength in my body.

"You eye fucked my wife. The one who is already a mother of MY children, you asshole. And because of that you need to pay the price by your life." I said while I had a sick smirk on my face. He brings his trembling hand in front of me. Pleading to leave him yet I wasn't the one to listen to this shit. "Goodbye motherfucker." I threw him down from my castle like home. I smile when I heard a loud thud after 5 seconds.

My clothes was a mess so I can't go like this in front of everyone especially not in front of Y/N. I straight go to our shared bedroom and got into a warm shower while I imagined Y/N sucking me off and jerked myself moaning her name.


Hearing a loud thud everyone turn their head towards their left and saw the most disturbing site ever. Edward was dead and his face messed up face was clearly seen from the glass. Y/N didn't stare at him even more than a second and ran all the way up towards her bedroom searching for the warmth who will calm her down no matter if he is the one to give that image of the dead man.

A guard came and bowed to Mr. Jeon. "Sir, Leader told me to inform you that Edward phillies is dead and he is the one who has killed him as he was staring at our Mrs. Jeon in an inappropriate way. He also stated that if these people doesn't get out of his house right now he will bury them alive and will use their organs to earn extra money." He stated coldly as Mr. Jeon sighed annoyed by his son's possessive behaviour. He dismissed the man and turned towards the family.

"Why are you still here? Didn't you listen what my son said or should I prepare a grave for you all?" He questioned oddly making the family stunned and crying as they lost their son. Giving a last look Edward's family went out as Mr. jeon sigh and sat down. "I have no idea how to control this man. Jungkook is getting on my nerves, he needs to control himself."

"He can't control his feelings when it comes to her, stop trying." His grandfather said and got up to leave. Jae nodded and sighed once again.


He came out of the washroom wearing a robe and saw his wife sitting on the bed her back facing him. He softly goes near her, sitting on his knees he held her hands, kissing it softly he said, "I know what you have seen and I am sorry to scare you like this once again. But it was worth it. Trust me!" She cried harder and hugged him abruptly. Jungkook creased her hairs and pulled away after a while when he noticed she has calm down a bit.

Wiping her dry tears from her face he kissed her forehead and softly whispered, "Let me distract you, baby." He lays her down and hovers above her while undoing his robe's belt.

This is just a fiction I don't promote any actions or acts held in this book.

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