Chapter 1

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Paris France

Kol and Elena sat down at this cafe. "Why did you leave New Orleans?" Elena asks. "I've felt alone. - I've felt like an outsider. - the whole always and forever was always Elijah Rebekah and Klaus's thing. - it was never mine." Kol paused as he looked at Elena. He never really took in her beauty before. "What about you? - why did you leave Mystic Falls?" Kol asks. " Have you met my friends? - I began to notice how controlling they were. - it was always their way or no way. - I got sick of it. - so I packed my bags. - set my house on fire. - and I left." Elena explained. " I always knew you would get sick of them and their controlling ways." Kol laughed. They drank up their coffee's. Kol paid for them. " Come on. - let's go and play pool." Elena said. " Let's go." Kol smiled.

Mystic Falls

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Mystic Falls

Damon Bonnie Caroline and Stefan were besides themselves over Elena's disappearces. They didn't know where she went. And she made it pretty obvious that she wasn't coming back because of her house. Where did she go? New York? New Orleans? New Jersey? Mexico? Mamai? Why didn't she tell them? Was it because she didn't want them to know? Was she trying to get away from them? And why couldn't Bonnie find her? This has them stumped. They need her back. They had to get her back. She was the main part of their plan. It will fail without her. This is the only way to get rid of Katherine. Why couldn't she see that?

 Why couldn't she see that?

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New Orleans

Klaus Rebekah and Elijah were besides themselves with worry about Kol. He had just left. He didn't say where he was going. Just packed his bags and left. "When Kol wants to know where he is. - he will ring." Hayley spoke. " I hope so. - I'm really worried about him." Elijah now put his arm around Hayley. "Kol has always been like this." Rebekah said. " He will be back. - I know it." Marcel said. "Of course he will. - you don't have to worry about him." Cami now leaned into Klaus. "I really hope so." Klaus now kisses Cami's head.

" Klaus now kisses Cami's head

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Paris France

"Why don't you ring your family?" Elena asks. "Then they would want me to come home." Kol said. " You said they have changed. - maybe if you explain to them how you feel they might be ok. - they be worried sick about you." Elena said. "Why don't you let your friends know where you are?" Kol asks. " First they haven't changed. - second they will come and get me kicking and screaming all the way back. - third if they find out I'm hanging out with you they will try and kill you." Elena spoke. "Your a vampire. - you could always kill them."  Kol smirked. " True. - but you don't know them like I do. - you think I haven't tried this before? - cause I have. - they almost killed me." Elena explained. " Fine. - I'll ring Nik." Kol spoke. Kol pulled out his phone. "Hey. - no I'm fine. - I'm in Paris France. - no I don't want you guys to come. - I'm here with Elena. - no she left them in Mystic Falls. - if they ring don't let them know where she is. - Elena is the reason why I'm ringing Nik. - I felt alone. - I felt like an outsider and the whole always and forever was always tours Elijah and Rebekah's thing. - never mine. - I know. - I just need this time. - I will. - when I go back I'll bring Elena with me. - see ya in a few months." Kol hung up. "You heard. " Kol spoke. Elena gave a nod. " I'll go with you. - when you go back."Elena said.

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