Chapter 8: Massacre at Ferdinand Drive

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The door gets kicked down. Harlan pulls himself together, prepared to fight the men... when he hears punches and kicks. Harlan peeks to see the men on the floor. Harlan approaches them to confirm that they are knocked out.

Harlan hears machine gun gunshots outside, and a sound of a pistol's gunshot. Harlan peeks out to see a woman he saw at the lobby fighting off the men, using a shawl as a mask. Harlan walks to her, gun out. As soon as she takes out the last man, Harlan grabs her by the shoulder, and pins her to the wall. He removes the shawl, prepared to punch her, when Audrey's familiar face looks at him.

Harlan: AW COME ON!

Audrey looks at him, slightly irritated.

Harlan: What the hell you doing here?

    They hear footsteps approaching.

    Harlan: Here, take this!

    Harlan hands her the hard drive.


    Audrey: What will you do?

    Harlan goes to the unconscious bodies, gets their ammos, light machine guns, grenades, and a knife.

    Harlan: I'll buy you some time.

    Harlan approaches the stairs, as he walks to the stairs, the sound of gunshots fills the room. Audrey runs to Marcos' room and finds the computer. She plugs in the hard drive and starts the upload.

    As it uploads, Audrey hears the elevator ding. She groans, gets a pair of scissors, and takes it with her. She waits outside the elevator door. As it opens, men come out. Audrey waits till all of them walk out till she uses the scissor to cut one on the leg. The men are alerted to her presence and they shoot at her. Audrey uses the man as a human shield, she then pushes the body to one man, who is pushed to the wall. Audrey then jumps at him and stabs him with the scissor.

    As she stabs him however, another man grabs her by the hair. Audrey screams as he throws her into the elevator. He goes in, and closes the elevator, making the elevator go down. Audrey gets up, and the man brings out a knife. Audrey spits out some blood.

    Audrey dodges the knife swipe. She tries not to corner herself into a corner in the elevator. As the man tries to stab her, Audrey moves out of the way, and slams her elbow on the arm, breaking it. She then kicks him back and slams his head on the wall, knocking him out. Audrey presses the closest floor.

    Audrey walked out the elevator and as she does, a dead body is thrown to the wall near her. Audrey looks at the dead body to see a knife cut at the eye area. She then looks at the hallway and sees blood splatter on the wall. Men are running away but a paper cutter is thrown at one, slitting the man's neck. More gunshots as Audrey walks to the hallway.

    Henchman: Please no... No... I have a fami-

    Screams fill the hallway. Audrey watches as a man in a white polo drenched in blood punch the henchman harder and harder with each blow. As the henchman dies, the man stops. Blood drip off the man's right hand.

    Audrey picks up one of the dead man's pistol and aims it at the man.


    The man raises his bloody hands up, and Harlan turns around, revealing his bloody face. His polo, barely any white spots left as it is filled with blood. Audrey lowers the gun.

Audrey: Jesus Christ! Harlan you alright?

    Harlan looks at her, angrily, then walks away. Audrey follows him as he walks to the stairs and Audrey sees the bloodshed. Men with their eyes either sliced, or cut out, bullet holes all over their face, hands and fingers cut off. Audrey looks at Harlan, terrified.

    Audrey walks up the stairs, back to the 20th floor to Marcos' room. Harlan slams the table.


    Audrey: Can't be... nobody was-

    A gunshot. Audrey turns around and gets punched. One last henchman shoots at Harlan, but he dodges it and ducks. The man walks to the table and Harlan punches him. The man however punches Harlan at the gut and Harlan falls on the table and knocks over thumbtacks. The man tries to punch Harlan but Harlan catches the man's hand and slams it on the thumbtacks. The man screams, Harlan gets up and slams his face on the thumbtacks. The man uses his other hand to grab a stapler, opens it and tries to slam it on Harlan, but Harlan dodges it, punches it out of his hand, and slams the staple oh his hand. The man screams in pain. Harlan turns his face over to face him and grabs Marcos' granite paperweight.

    Harlan: WHERE IS HE?!

    The man laughs, and spits blood at Harlan. Harlan, not taking any of it, punches him with the granite. Harlan punches him two more times before Audrey stops him.

    Audrey: HARLAN STOP!

    Audrey holds back Harlan's arm. Harlan drops the paperweight. The man crawls slides down to the floor. Harlan looks at him as he grabs the paperweight, but instead of throwing it at Harlan or Audrey, he takes out May's hard drive from his pocket, and slams it with the granite, breaking it.

    Harlan: NO!

    Harlan kneels, looking at the broken hard drive. Data needed to expose Marcos, all gone. The henchman laughs and Harlan punches him one time, before snapping his neck.

    Audrey looks at Harlan, terrified, too scared to even say a word. Harlan gets up, yells an f-bomb, before walking out, leaving a trail of blood.

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