Chapter 9: Banner and Brandle

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Dear Jasmine

    Got in a bit of a scuffle back there, not much damage, I'll be fine, don't worry. Wish you were here.




    Those words echoed in Harlan's head. The news reported that there was a massacre in 22th Ferdinand Drive. Harlan listened blankly to the report.

Harlan groaned in pain. Audrey looked at him and silently apologized. She went on to stitching his wounds when Harlan groaned again.

Audrey: Please don't groan as much, you know that this isn't a painless procedure.

Harlan: Shut up. Just please shut up and finish up.

Audrey continued stitching him, when Harlan suddenly flinched and slammed his fist on the table all of a sudden.


Harlan: OH SHUT IT!

    Audrey drops everything she is holding.

Audrey: What the hell's wrong with you?

    Harlan: With ME?!

    Audrey: YES YOU!

    Harlan: What's wrong with me? How about what's wrong with YOU?

    Audrey: Nothing's wrong with me.

    Harlan: BULLSHIT!

    Audrey slaps Harlan on his right cheek. Harlan looks at her angrily, stands up, and leaves Audrey's room.

    Audrey sat there, angrily. Audrey thinks for a while before getting her phone and calling someone.


    Audrey knocked on Harlan's door thirty minutes after. Audrey changed out of her dress and into more casual clothing. Harlan opened it and the two just nodded at each other. Harlan went to the window and Audrey could see him holding a lighter at one hand, and a pocket watch chained around the other.

    Harlan closed his eyes, and let a tear fall. He got the lighter and burned a paper with the words "Thank You" written on it. Harlan let it burn then got a bottle and sat down on the floor.

    As Audrey walked over, she notices the crack in the wall. She put her hand on it. She then looked at Harlan.

    Audrey: Did you do this?

    Harlan scoffs. Audrey sits beside him.

    Audrey: Look, I'm sorry about May. I know how you two-

    Harlan: No you don't. You don't know anything about me.

Audrey: Yes and no. I read your files and-

Harlan: Screw files. They don't tell you everything.

Audrey: Of course.

The two of them sit alone.

Harlan: You got someone waiting for you? When it's all over?

Audrey looks at him.

Audrey: I do. Well, I would like to think I do. But no one really.

Harlan: Why?

Audrey looks down, sadly.

Audrey: We made plans. That on May, we would go travel. Just to two of us, where I would have-

Harlan: Where you would have what?

Audrey gets a box from her pocket, and gives it to Harlan. Harlan opens it to see an engagement ring inside. This hits Harlan.

Harlan: And where is h-

Audrey: She's dead. She got in an accident a few weeks ago. She didn't survive.

Audrey wipes a tear. Audrey's hand hangs on from her knees and in a small act of empathy, Harlan holds it.

Audrey wipes the last tear off her face and pulls herself together.

Audrey: Look, I know where Marcos is headed.

Harlan looks at her, surprised.

Harlan: You do?

Audrey: I do. But, we do this together.

Harlan scoffs but Audrey stands her ground.

Audrey: I just need you to trust me now. I know it's a lot but... we need each other if we are to do this. If we are to expose him and take him down. I can't do it without you, the same way you can't do it without me. Can we do that? Trust each other?

Harlan looks at her face and nods.

Audrey: Good, pack your bags. We're leaving.

Harlan: Where are we going?

Audrey stops walking as she reaches the door. She opens it and turns back and tells him where.

Audrey: Seoul, South Korea.

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