Chapter 3 (Attack)

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A week and a half later of training almost non-stop, we all became powerful. Daisy and I got our cutie marks. Mine is a brain with a horn on top of it, I just love to memorize and cast spells, but more of memorizing them. Daisy's is a pair of wings with a swirl coming out of them, it's super pretty, but she hasn't told me yet of what it means. I'm guessing she loves to fly and then got her cutie mark. Plus, Daisy had gotten better at her strength and magic, Ezial has gotten better at flying and his magic too, and me? I barely gotten better at strength, but I replaced my Earth lessons with Flight lessons. But, the past 2 days were different. We were all being taught in magic instead, for me, I was being taught non stop about attack and defensive spells. "Dad, why are you teaching me harder now?" I had questioned him while reading. He had no reply, so I asked again, but in a meaner voice, "DAD. WHY ARE YOU TEACHING ME HARDER?" "There is trouble coming and I want you to get ready for it." "What kind of trouble? I'm pretty sure I can deal with it anyways." "... The princesses, of light and dark, are gonna come and try to kill me. If I am defeated, I want you all to look like you are a regular crystal pony, even though you're an alicorn, so that you guys can sneak into their territory and kill them. Ok?" Aliah was a little scared by that news but nods. A couple of days passed and what Sombra had said was true, Celestia and Luna have now come to return the Crystal Empire to how it was before. "Run outside of the kingdom now!!! I am cursing the kingdom so nopony else can have it!" We did as our dad told us and immediately ran into the cold edge just as Sombra was banished, the Empire vanished in thin air. It truly was gone. Now, we have to follow the plan or dad will be lost for a really long time.
(I am so sorry, I have not been on due to being busy and this story is short. I now it's pathetic right now, but I'm hoping it will be better)

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