Rude Awakenings - Chapter Nine

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The low squeak of a hinge breaks the silence. I crack an eye open, just barely able to make out Nami's sleeping form on the pull out bed across the room. The gentle sway of the ship soothes whatever nerves had been ruffled enough to wake me and I surrender to sleep again. Heavy footfalls make the wood of the stairs creak. I twitch and snuggle deeper into the warmth of my blanket, not ready to face the headache that is slowly creeping into my awareness. The warmth of the blanket is ripped away. I flinch, a hard scowl on my lips as I open my eyes. The sharp features of Zoro's angular face come into focus.

"Fuck off." I groan, rolling over and curling into a ball.


My stomach flips and a scream leaves my lips as my hammock spins. I hit the floor hard, hissing and rolling off my bandaged right arm. I lay on my back, gasping as my stitches throb, the pain in my arm competing with the pulsing in my head.

"What. The actual. Fuck?" I rasp, glaring up at Zoro.

"Get up." Zoro grunt, balling up my blanket.

"Why in the hell would I do that?" I groan, pressing the palm of my hand to my forehead, trying to stifle the pounding that's attempting to split my skull.

"You wanted to train. So we're training. Now get your ass moving." Zoro chucks my blanket back in my hammock and stalks back up the stairs, out of sight.

"Prick!" I snap, raising my voice so he can hear the insult. I run a hand over my face and groan. "Fuckin' hell."

I can hear Nami shifting on her bed, clearly awake now, thanks to Zoro.

"Can you believe that guy?" I ask, sitting up slowly in an attempt to not anger the invisible goblin that must be beating my skull in.

"I don't know what you expected." Nami answers plainly, obviously not amused by my attempts to talk shit. She pads to the closet, her sock covered feet silent against the wood floors. "I'm honestly more surprised he agreed to train you at all."

"Ugh. Fine. I won't bitch." I grunt, trying to massage away the pain in my head. "How the hell is he not hungover?"

"Zoro? Hungover? Heh." She shakes her head, her attention on the closet in front of her. "He claims it's happened, but I've never seen it."

"Now that's just not fair." I grumble, forcing myself to stand.

"I take it you lost the drinking game last night?" Nami asks, a smirk on her lips as she glances at me.

"Ha!" I wince at my own voice, not having meant to speak so loud. "That would depend on your definition of 'losing'. I out drank both of them. Though... that last one may have been a mistake."

"You're going to be as big a handful as they are, aren't you?" Nami shakes her head again, tossing a shirt and a pair of shorts to me.

"Pft! Me? A handful?" My hand goes to my chest as I lean back, feigning offense. "Never."

"Uh-huh. Sure." Nami laughs, facing the closet as she gets herself ready for the day.

I strip out of my pajamas and pull on the clothes Nami threw at me, grunting in approval when I notice the slits cut into the collar and sleeves of the t-shirt. Now it'll look normal if it gets ruined when I fight. Nice. I tug on a clean pair of socks, wiggling my toes happily before I pull on and lace up my boots.

"Hey! Brush your hair! It looks like a chicken nested in it." Nami calls after me as I start up the stairs.

"Yeah, yeah." I grunt, waving her off. I slip into the bathroom to rid myself off the awful taste in my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30 ⏰

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