Chapter 21

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Aone's pov

The dinner with the neighbours went great and they were excited that Y/n was considering buying the house. We crashed in bed once we got back at our house.

I had woken up in the middle of the night to an empty bed. I rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom. Y/n wasn't in there so I left the room. I trailed from room to room searching. Empty. I walked into the kitchen and Y/n still wasn't inside. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and spotted something from the corner of my eye. I looked outside and my jaw dropped. I rushed over to the window and saw Y/n ice skating outside. I threw the water bottle back into the fridge and ran to the door.

I stood by the door and watched her elegantly skate. Not only had she done the basics but she managed to do loads of complex tricks. I watched her spin in circles while one leg was held behind her head. I filmed it for the last few seconds before she recognised my presence.
"Why are you awake?" She skated over to the edge of the lake as I walked over to her
"Are you ok?" She asked "you're awake this-" she was interrupted by my lips crashing into hers.

I pulled back and waved at the neighbour that was filming us. They waved back and I easily threw Y/n over my shoulder and walked back into the house. I carefully placed her down on the couch and helped her take of the skates.
"Y/n" I looked up at her as I knelt down in front of her.
"Yes Taka" she smiled.
"Wait no, you wait here" I got up and rushed upstairs. I quickly grabbed a bag from the back of the closet.

Y/n's pov

Aone ran back into the room and returned to his space in front of me.
"So Y/n" he held my hands "I need to tell you something"
"What is it?" I asked.
"I have been unfaithful" he sighed.
"I will slit your throat right now" I tried to grab him but he held me in place.
"Not like that!" He laughed "I mean I have not been honest with you"
"About what?" I asked.
"Long story short, I picked up crochet a few years ago and no one really knew" he said "but I made you a sweater" he handed me a bag.
"Stop lying" I took the bag "you actually made me a sweater" I finally looked inside the bag and my heart did a flip "thank you so much baby" I cupped his face and planted kisses across it "oh wow I'm going to cry" I sniffed.
"Wait no I didn't want you to cry" he laughed.
"It's so soft" I touched it "I love you so much" I hugged him tightly.
"I love you too" he laughed.
"Wait move" I pushed him off of me. I took off my jumper and pulled off my shirt, leaving me in my bra. Aone stared directly at my tits "my eyes are up here" I clicked and he instantly looked up at me. I slipped on the sweater.

"It fits" he smiled "you look great in it" I stared at the sweater for a few moments

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"It fits" he smiled "you look great in it" I stared at the sweater for a few moments.
"Get up" I looked at him.
"Why?" He stood up.
"We're having sex again" I picked up my stuff then held onto his wrist.

I walked upstairs and into our bedroom with Aone trailing behind me. I locked the door as he sat on the bed. I turned around and he was looking at me confused.
"Are you serious?" He asked.
"Yeah" I clipped my hair up.
"Oh wow ok" Aone pulled off his shirt and pulled me over to stand between his legs. He kissed me and his hands roamed my body.
"Wait!" I pulled back and took off the jumper. I nicely folded it and set it aside "I don't wait anything happening to it" I smiled then walked back over to Aone "thank you again" I peaked his lips.
"No problem" he smirked and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist.

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