Chapter 24

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Aone's pov

I stayed by Jasmine's side as she went into labour and began delivering the baby. Her screams and cries were drowned out by my fear of when Y/n would have to go through that. I began to worry about how safe child birth is and was determined to get her the best doctors and aid available. The birth went smoothly and the nurses held the baby and gave her to Jasmine. Jasmine looked down at the baby and forced a smile on her face. I didn't question it and moved my arm out of her grasp. She had her moments with her baby before the nurses took her away to run their tests.

"Are you ok?" I looked at Jasmine.
"Aone I just pushed a human being out of my body and you're asking me that dumb question" she glared at me.
"I'm sorry" I smiled "but seriously how are you feeling?" I put my hand on her forehead and she was flaring up. I got her a cooling pad from the bag I brought.
"Thank you" she put it on herself. The doctors then began stitching her up.
"Sir would you like me to-"
"Give her that bullshit ass stitch and I'll knock the taste out of your mouth" I glared at him. He nodded and quickly finished before leaving.

I sat down on the chair and Jasmine turned over to fall asleep. I used my phone silently and waited for the nurses to come back with my daughter. Jasmine and I had already agreed on a name for her so she was ok with me writing it down on the birth certificate. The nurses walked back in with my baby girl wrapped in a blanket.
"Everything seems fine sir" they handed her over.
"Thank you" I smiled. They shot me awkward smiles before leaving me alone in the room. I shrugged it off and looked down at my baby.

No. There's no way. There's no way she could do this to me. After all of this time, money and emotions. She potentially fucked up my marriage, for her baby to be black?! I stared at the brown skin baby and a smile crept onto my face. She was undeniably adorable as she slept. I didn't bother waking up Jasmine and instead packed up my bag.

"Jasmine I'm so sorry for missing the birth, I'm sorry for not stepping up when you first said you were pregnant but I'm here now and I'm ready to be a father to our daughter" a voice said from behind me. I turned around and made eye contact with a tall brown skinned man "Aone?"
"Jeremiah?" I said. He looked down at the baby in my arms.
"Is that her?" He asked.
"I guess" I walked over to him and he washed his hands before carefully taking the baby.

"Fuck" Jasmine said and we looked over to her "Aone I-"
"You were cheating on me with your ex the whole time?" I asked.
"No! I just-"
"She told me you guys were broken up" Jeremiah said. I looked at him then back at Jasmine.
"So you're telling me" I clutched the bar of the bed "you not only put me and my family at risk, but you potentially dented my marriage for a baby that isn't even mine?" I asked calmly. Jasmine stared at me in fear yet remained silent.
"I'm sorry for not telling you bro" Jeremiah said.
"It's fine don't worry" I sighed "good luck with your baby, I wish you the best"
"Thank you" he smiled. I picked up my stuff and left the room. Frustration filled me as I got to my car. I threw my bag into the passenger seat as I sat down. I locked my car and let out a loud sigh. This triggered my emotions and tears began flowing down my face.

I released all of my pent up emotions amongst my disappointment and sadness. I wiped my tears and blew my nose before getting onto the road. I quickly got back to the house and noticed the emptiness of the driveway meaning the others had gone home. I walked inside and listened to the silent house. I put down my bag and took off my shoes before heading upstairs. Y/n was asleep in the bed with the dogs cuddling into her. I took a quick shower and put on my pyjamas. I got into bed with Y/n and laid relatively far away from her.

Y/n's pov

I felt the bed dent in but after a few moments nothing touched me. The dogs were in front of me yet the movement was behind me. I subconsciously ignored it as I was still asleep. The sound of sniffing became more and more frequent which woke me up.
"Taka is that you?" I asked as I reached for my glasses. He stayed silent until I put on my glasses. We made eye contact and his eyes were puffy and red. I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes before looking at him again "oh baby are you ok?" I asked and sat up. Aone also sat up but didn't say anything.

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