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"Get up Roxanna you don't want be late for the first day back at school do you?" Claudia bellowed into my ear whilst repositioning things on my table. i hate it when people do that. it might look like a mess to everyone else but its not. everything is in the right place and it only becomes messy when you start touching it.

i sighed.

"OK I'm awake. So can you please get out of my room so i can get changed." i said sounding ruder than I intended.

"What are you talking about you've not even showered yet."

“I showered last night so I think I'm gonna skip a day."

"Young Lady's can't just skip a day of showering its unsanitary." she looked utterly shocked.

how far i could push her today?

"Satan, I don't feel well i think i'll start school tomorrow."

"You will not be skipping any days from school Missy. Especially not to day. Edu-" Claudia was still going on with her self about education or something but i already zoned out. I was to busy looking at one of my paintings on the wall. it was a painting of a black iris. It was my mom Favourite flower. It fit perfectly with the other decor in my room but it still stood out. The delicate black as night petals looked even darker against my pure white wall. 

"Are you listening Roxana. and did you just call me Satan because for your sake i hope you didn't." she looked livid now.

i Wonder if i can push her any further. 

"I did" i said coldly .But before i could say anything else she backhanded me. she actually backhanded me. Who the hell does she think she is. I looked into the mirror next to my bed and there was a colossal red mark across my face. My face was burning. I actually think I'm going cry. i thought. I stared into her eyes for ages they looked like a doorway to the devils layer. I was so shocked i couldn't comprehend what just happened to me it seem like a really bad nightmare that i really wanted to wake up from.

"Get out." i hissed 


"i said get out!" i shouted. she was really trying my patience now.

"Let me explain."

"Are you serious you cant justify slapping me!"

"It was a mistake and I'm sorry."

 "I don't care. i hated you Claudia but now i despise you." i whispered.

"I love you Roxana. I will always love you no matter what. But you never opened up to me. i didn't know what to do so i just left you to do you i thought it was for the best."

"Why would that make things better?"

" I don't know. please forgive me for all the wrong iv done to you. i love you." a pool of tears came flooding out of her lake blue eyes.

"I............... " i couldn't speak. i didn't know how to respond to what she was saying. she loves me? it just doesn't make sense how can you love someone that you just slapped. I bet that's what those abusive husbands do to their wives when they come back from work and there's no food on the table. 

"Claudia i."

"You don't have to say anything until you ready." And then she left. 

i tip toed out of bed and headed straight to the shower 

"School here i come!" I shouted with fake enthusiasm


 hope you  guys like it.  its my first story so it might be shit. it's going to get better ( i think) 

pls vote or comment  :)

 L.O.V.E *+*+*+*ANNA*+*+*+

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