Introductions Pt2

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Tanjiro's Pov

*Beep Beep Beep*  I turned off the alarm on my phone and checked the time. My phone said it was 7:15, I got out of bed and started changing out of my pajamas. I then went to Nezuko's room to find her awake and about to start changing. "hmm? Oh hi, Oni-san" Nezuko said greeting me. " Morning Nezuko" I replied. I then told her that Giyu-san should be awake and preparing breakfast. After that, I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush my teeth. When I was washing my face I heard a knock on the door. " Oni-san are you done yet?" Nezuko asked her voice muffled because of the door. I quickly opened the door for her and apologized for taking so long. I went downstairs to get breakfast and said good morning to Giyu-san on the way. Today's breakfast was pancakes, I took some on a plate and started putting butter on it. I sat at the dining table and started eating it. A/N: I know that they ran out of food in the fridge but pretend Giyu went out to buy things in the morning.   As I was eating Nezuko came down, greeted Giyu-san, and grabbed some pancakes for herself. " You two might want to hurry up or else you guys will be late," Giyu-san said. I hurry up and finish my breakfast. I headed to Giyu-san's car and buckled my seat belt soon both Nezuko and Giyu-san also came in and buckled their seat belt. " Alright kiddos let's go," Giyu-san said as he started driving to school.  On our way there Nezuko and I played eye spy the entire time.  After a while, we made it to school, as we got into the building we bid farewell to Giyu-san. We went to Urokodaki-san's class and took our seats right as class started. "Alright since we didn't get to finish the introductions we shall finish off from where we left off." He called a person named Genya next. A boy with a mohawk-like hairstyle and a scar on his face stood up. " Hi, my name is Genya Shinazugawa and my hobby is playing Super Smash Bros." Inosuke looked happy that another person liked the game in the class. Next, he called someone named Daki. A tall and beautiful girl stood up and started her introduction. " Hi my name is Daki Warabihime and my hobby is fashion designing," she said Nezuko smiled at the girl and Daki sent a smile back. A/N: I know Daki is evil in the actual thing but I wanted a nice Daki for a change so yeah here you go a nice Daki. Also, I know that isn't her real last name but I couldn't find it so I made Warabihime her last name.  Next, he called Muichiro. Both Nezuko and I smiled at him as we already met him the day before. " My name is Tokito Muichiro and my hobby is sleeping." He said. Some people gave him a weird look and someone shouted out. " Hey, you weirdo who has sleeping as a hobby?"  Urokodaki-san shushed him and the person immediately shut up. Someone else asked, " Is Tokito your first name or your last name?" Muichiro-san answered saying that Tokito was his last name. After all that he called a person named Kanao. A small girl with a butterfly hairpin in her hair. 'She's really pretty.' I thought but then shook my head to clear it out. I can't be thinking like that but come to think about it she has the same hairpin as Kanae-san and Kocho-san. I wonder if they're all siblings. Kanao started her introduction. " My name is Kanao Kocho and my hobby is reading about insects." Some people were confused about why she liked insects but didn't say anything about it. A/N: I know her last name isn't Kocho in the real thing but I wanted them to be blood-related so I made her last name Kocho. Anyways moving on.  Next, he called someone named Zenitsu. A boy with yellow hair stood up, he looked terrified at all the attention. " H-hello m-my n-name i-is Z-zentisu A-agastuma a-a-and m-my h-hobby -i-is -f-f-fli-lirting w-with -g-girls." He said his voice shaking the entire time. I shot him a small glare hoping that he caught the message to not flirt with my sister.  Next, he called my name. I stood up and cleared my throat saying, " My name is Tanjiro Kamado and my hobby is caring for others." Some people muttered something under their breath and Nezuko shot them all a death glare. Next, he called Nezuko's name. She stood up and said, " Hi my name is Nezuko Kamado and my hobby is also fashion designing."  After that, I zoned out for the rest of the class. *Ring Ring* The bell rang and everyone bid farewell to Urokodaki-san.

That is the end of this chapter I hope you enjoyed it and see you all next update.

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