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3rd Person POV

Izuku sat on his bed, bored out of his mind. It was a Saturday and he didn't feel like training right that second.

"Maybe I should do something, what would I do though? Uraraka is at her parents house. Tororoki-Kun is at his parents house eating dinner or something. And Ida is studying.." Izuku though to himself as he stared into space, trying to find something to do or someone to talk to.

Izuku sat on his bed for what seemed like hours. Having nothing to do but sit and stare at all of his AllMight merchandise. I must say, he has a bit to much, even for AllMight's number 1 fan.

"I could go and see Kacchan..?" The green haired boy thought.

"Yes! That's it! Good job me..!" Izuku yelled a bit to loud and as soon as he realized how loud he yelled he slapped his scarred hand over his mouth.

The aspiring hero walked out of his dorm and into the elevator, on his way to the common room. He figured Katsuki would be there because Eijrou normally drags Katsuki down there to hang out with him. And in fact he did, just not in the way Izuku wanted them to hang out.

After the elevator opened and the young hero stepped out of it, he saw spiky ash blond hair. Izuku was about to call out to his 'friend' but he noticed something right before he did.

Katsuki and Eijrou were close to each other. Extremely close. Shoulder to shoulder, chest to chest. Lip to lip..


It took a couple of moments before the hero in training realized what was happening. And as soon as he did, he stood there. in shock. He never would've thought in the 12 years he's known Katsuki, that he would be kissing someone who he called loud and obnoxious. Something in the back of his mind said it made sense, because the red head could always calm the angry blond down. But Izuku pushed that thought away, and soon regretted coming down into the common room.

After a long time of Izuku staring in shock. He felt tears threatening to run down his rosy cheeks. The devastated boy ran to the elevator and pressed his floor number, and sprinted into his dorm room.

The door opened quickly and it shut just as fast. Izuku jumped onto his bed, with tears so close to spilling. He dug his head into his pillow and let the tears spill.

"Why.. Why...?" The heartbroken boy whispered through his sobs. "How? How.. I don't understand." He once again whispered, just a little louder this time. "I can't- I can't believe this..! Why him!? Why..." Izuku yelled in between the unbelievable amount of tears he was shedding at that moment.

He just couldn't believe that someone who had known his childhood best friend for less than a year got to him before he did. All he ever wanted was to be his friend. But the blond can't even say good morning to Izuku without calling him a nerd. All Izuku wanted was to be his friend, and he tried for 12 years. But somehow.. Someone got to it first. And got even better than being his friend, he was his... Boyfriend.

"Somehow he got there first. What did I do wrong?.. I'm begging you to tell me..!" Izuku yelled out, quietly. If that's possible.

The green haired boy was heartbroken, miserable and the reason for that was his childhood bully. The person who hurt him for so long. The person who hated his guts and still does.

"I've tried for so long.."

I've been trying for so long.. (Onesided BakuDeku angst) Where stories live. Discover now