Are you two dating?

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Mina is minding her own business inside her office until her door was slammed open.

"Now that we're here i bet you're going to believe me now" she heard her fiance said and there her eyes met with her friends eyebrows raising as they stared at her.

"Uh... what are you guys doing here?" Mina curiously ask.

"We've been noticing something between you both" Jeong started.

"And what is that Jeong?" Mina stop what she's doing and stand up in front of her desk leaning on the edge.

"Are you two dating?" Jihyo ask looking at them suspiciously.

Mina was about to answer when Nayeon beat her to it.

"We're not!" Dahyun stared at her unnie in disbelief.

"Let Mina talk Nayeon my gosh" Sana rolled her eyes.

"She's not my girlfriend, right Mina?" Nayeon turned at Mina and eyed her.

"R-right I'm not her girlfriend guyss" Mina slide her hands inside her pockets.

"This two, we know you're lying" Chaeyoung groaned already tired from the conversation they're having and slumped her body on Mina's couch inside her office.

"I'm giving you two another chance, mostly you Nayeon" Jihyo threatened her roommate.

"Unnie we already catched you, we've seen you two having a date, sometimes we know that whenever you're going out you would only spend at Mina unnies penthouse" Tzuyu crossed her arms.

'Oh shit, hon better say the truth now' Mina thought as she stared at her fiance, giggling.

"She's not my girlfriend, i already told you" Nayeon stand beside Mina and their friends is watching her actions.

"I'm not her girlfriend, they just don't get it" Mina look at Nayeon beside her and showed her charming smile.

"Urgh I'm done with this" Sana sat beside Chaeyoung closing her eyes.

"If that so then let's go baby" Nayeon linked her arms around Mina's biceps and they walk towards the door.




"I'm going to kill you Im Nayeon!"



"This bitch!"

Mina laugh when her friends start to scream inside her soundproof office. Nayeon immediately run when Jihyo attack her.

"Jeez Jihyo, I'm just teasing you guys hey!" Nayeon and Jihyo run around as the others laugh at them.

"Hey that's enough, Mina's office isn't a playground!" Jeongyeon uttered.

But the two keep on running, the three maknaes laughed at their unnies.

"You guys are just dumb not to notice, now i really considered tzuyu to be the most intelligent among us!" Nayeon hide behind Mina.

"Shut up Im, we're not done let's talk including you Myoui" Jihyo pulled Mina's coat towards the couch.

"Okay, but I'm out of this i just joined Nayeon on teasing" Mina smiled as Nayeon sat on her lap.

"Yahhh there's a lot of space here" Sana pointed at Nayeon.

"Let her be" Mina calmly said, Nayeon stuck her tongue at them.

"Enough Im, now explain" Jihyo firmly said.

"Okay dumb people except for tzuyu-" Jeongyeon throw a pillow at Nayeon followed by the others.

"I'm just joking" Nayeon laugh at them.

"Me and Nayeon have been dating for 5 years" Mina said making them all jolt in their place and throw another pillow but this time at Mina.

"5 years and one of you two wouldn't bother to tell us?!" Jihyo again scream.

"Well" Nayeon showed her hands at them wiggling her fingers and there they saw a ring.

And that cause them to throw tons of pillow at the two, Mina wrap her arms around Nayeons securing her not to fall on the floor.

"What's the meaning of that?!" Momo shouted as the others continued to throw.

"That means they're freaking engaged already, idiot!" Sana answered Momo.

"Hey stop!"

"Guys have mercy on us!"

They stop now Mina's office is now a mess.

"I can't take this much information" Jihyo slumped on the couch.

They all laugh, and the two start to tell them what they're missing from 5 years.

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